

答案:2  悬赏:70  手机版
解决时间 2021-12-19 06:05
  • 提问者网友:酱爆肉
  • 2021-12-18 19:57
阅读理解 A traveller was staying in an Egyptian village. One day, she held up her camera to take pictures of the children. Suddenly the young ones began to shout at her. The traveller's face turned red and she apologized to the head for what she was doing, and told him she had forgotten that people in some places believed a person would lose his soul(灵魂) if his picture was taken. She explained to him the operation of a camera for a long time. Several times the head tried to say something, but he couldn't. When she believed that the head didn't fear any longer, the traveller then let him speak. With a smile, he said, The children were trying to tell you that you forgot to take off the lens(镜头) cap!1.The children shouted when the traveller was taking pictures of them because ______A.they didn't want to stop playingB.the traveller forgot to take off the cap on her headC.they didn't want to have their pictures takenD.the traveller was not doing well with her camera2.The traveller made an apology to (向……道歉) the head because _______A.she thought it was not right to take people's pictures without telling them beforehand(事先)B.the children would lose their soulsC.she had stayed in the village too longD.she didn't take a picture of the head first3.The traveller explained how to use a camera to the head because _______A.the head was very interested in her cameraB.the head wanted to learn to take picturesC.she was afraid of the headD.she wanted the head not to worry about what she was doing4.When the head smiled, it's clear that _______A.the children wanted to play with herB.the traveller didn't know what the children meantC.he wanted the traveller to tell him something elseD.the traveller didn't let him speak5.Which of the following is NOT right?A.The traveller knew something about people in some countriesB.The children wouldn't mind if the traveller took pictures of themC.The head was afraid that the traveller's camera would hurt the childrenD.The traveller didn't understand why the children shouted
  • 五星知识达人网友:酒醒三更
  • 2021-12-18 21:12
BADCC解析文章讲述了一个有趣的小故事,一个旅游者没有打开镜头就拍照片,引起了一场误会。1.B 细节题。根据文章最后一句The children were trying to tell you that you forgot to take off the lens(镜头) cap!可知B正确。2.A 推理题。她道歉是因为他知道没有事先告诉别人就拍照片,是不礼貌的。3.D 推理题。根据She explained to him the operation of a camera for a long time.可知他是不想头领担心她所做的。4.C 推理题。头领笑着没有说话,是因为他想告诉她一些其他的事情。5.C 推理题。他告诉她镜头没有打开说明她不介意她拍照片,那么C所说害怕相机会伤害孩子是错误的。
  • 1楼网友:woshuo
  • 2021-12-18 21:50