
请先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(共15小题:每小题1分,满分15分)There once was

答案:2  悬赏:0  手机版
解决时间 2021-01-03 17:43
  • 提问者网友:棒棒糖
  • 2021-01-02 21:25

There once was a master who went to India. In those times, we didn't have airplanes or many kinds of transportation that we do now. So the master went to India 1 . And when he got there, he saw a lot of fruit. In India they have plenty of fruit to sell, but much of it is 2 because they can't grow much 3 the water situation. So he saw one basket, a big basket of some very red, long fruit. And it was the cheapest in the shop, not expensive at all.
So he 4 and asked, How much per kilo? And the shopkeeper said, Two rupees.(印度货币) Two rupees in India is 5 ; it's like dirt (尘土). So he bought a whole kilogram of the fruit and started eating it. But after he ate some of it: Oh, my God! His 6 watered, his mouth watered and burned, his eyes were burning, his head was burning and his face became 7 . As he coughed terribly , he 8 up and down, saying, Ah! Ah! Ah!
But he still continued to eat the fruit! Some people who were looking at him shook their heads and said, You're crazy, man. Those are chilies(辣椒)! You can't eat so many; they're not good for you! People use them 9 a condiment(作料), but only a little bit to put into food for taste. You can't just eat them by the handful like that; they're not 10 ! So the silly master said, No, I can't stop! I paid money for them, 11 now I'll eat them. It's my 12 !
And you think that master was silly, right? Similarly, we sometimes do a lot of things like that. we still continue just because we've 13 money, time, effort and love into it. Just like the man who ate the chilies and felt so bad but couldn't stop because he didn't want to waste the money he'd paid.
So 14 you've lost something, let it go and move on. That's better than continuing to 15 .
【小题1】A.by airB.on footC.by taxiD.by car【小题2】A.deliciousB.cheapC.expensiveD.fresh【小题3】A.because ofB.with the help ofC.in need ofD.as a result【小题4】A.got upB.went upC.turned upD.looked up【小题5】A.somethingB.nothingC.everythingD.anything【小题6】A.eyesB.earsC.mouthD.nose【小题7】A.sadB.uglyC.redD.cold【小题8】A.searchedB.climbedC.joggedD.jumped【小题9】A.asB.forC.toD.with【小题10】A.medicineB.vegetablesC.fruitD.food【小题11】A.insteadB.andC.butD.also【小题12】A.moneyB.foodC.fruitD.drink【小题13】A.joinedB.spentC.paidD.put【小题14】A.as ifB.ever sinceC.even ifD.so that【小题15】A.fightB.failC.tryD.loseB
  • 五星知识达人网友:荒野風
  • 2021-01-02 23:00
(答案→)B 解析:这篇短文主要讲述了一个人因为贪便宜,买了一些根本不能作为水果的辣椒。结果因为舍不得自己花的那些钱,坚持把它们吃完的故事。从而告诉我们放弃某些东西比继续损失要好。【小题1】联系前一句描述,可知此处指的是那时没有现代的交通工具,选项ACD都属于现代的交通工具,故选B,步行。【小题2】联系下文And it was the cheapest in the shop, not expensive at all.描述,可知此处指的是部分都很贵,故选C,昂贵的。【小题3】短语辨析。A.因为,由于;B.借助于,在……的帮助下;C.需要,缺少;D.结果,因此。联系上下文,可知前后是因果关系,下文表示原因,故选A,由于用水的问题。【小题4】短语辨析。A.起床;B.增长,走过去;C.出现;D.向上看,查阅。结合语境可知此处指的是他走过去了。故选B。【小题5】不定代词辨析。something一些东西,一般用于肯定句及表示请求建议等含义的疑问句中;anything也是表示一些东西,任何东西,一般用于否定及疑问句中。Nothing没有东西,用于肯定句表示否定含义;everything每件东西;修饰这些不定代词的形容词一般放在这些词的后面。联系后一句描述,可知此处指的是两卢比在印度没什么价值。故选B。【小题6】根据本句谓语动词,可知此处指的是眼睛流泪了,故选A,眼睛。【小题7】联系前文描述,及人们吃了辣椒后的常识,可知此处指的是他的脸变红了。故选C。【小题8】动词辨析。A.搜寻,调查;B.攀爬;C.慢跑;D.跳。联系前文描述,可知此处指的是辣得他直跳。故选D。【小题9】介词辨析。A.如同,当做;B.为了,对于;C.到,向;D.带有,伴随。结合语境及常识,可知此处指的是人们用它做作料。故选A。【小题10】联系前文So he saw one basket, a big basket of some very red, long fruit.描述,可知这个人是把辣椒作为水果来买的。故选C,它们不是水果。【小题11】连词辨析。A.代替,反而;B.和,并且;C.但是,可是;D.也。联系上下文,可知前后是顺接关系,故选B。【小题12】联系前一句描述,可知这个人认为这些辣椒就是自己的钱。故选A,钱。【小题13】联系下文into it 可知此处指的是我想里面投入了金钱,时间,努力以及关爱。短语put into 使……进入,投入。故选D。【小题14】短语辨析。A.犹如,好似;B.从那时到现在;C.即使,虽然;D.以便,所以。联系下文,可知此处指的是,即使你失去了一些东西,也要让它过去。故选C。【小题15】联系前一句描述,可知此处指的是比继续失去要好。故选D,损失,失去。
  • 1楼网友:话散在刀尖上
  • 2021-01-03 00:19