
根据下列短文内容,在短文后的空格处填上一个恰当的词,使短文完整、通顺。Fire is important in our lives but it can also be very

答案:2  悬赏:60  手机版
解决时间 2021-12-31 02:50
  • 提问者网友:骨子里的高雅
  • 2021-12-30 22:47
Fire is important in our lives but it can also be very dangerous sometimes. Here are some tips for you when a fire happens.
When you smell smoke or see fire, 【小题1】 “Fire!” as loudly as you can. Get help from your parents or call 119.Tell 119 【小题2】 you are and what is on fire. Listen to 119’s instructions. Never try to put out a fire by 【小题3】,even if it’s a small one.
Get out of the room as 【小题4】 as possible. Don’t try to take anything with you. A fire can become very dangerous in a few seconds. If there is a lot of smoke in your room, keep your head and body close 【小题5】 the floor. There is less smoke lower down, so it’s easier to breathe and see where you are going. Test the door 【小题6】 you open it. If it’s too hot, do not open it. Try to find a different way out. 【小题7】 use the lift during a fire. Always use the stairs. A lift may stop working. Don’t go back to the burning house for your pet or anything else you have left behind. The pet animals can often get out of the room on their own before you do.
What if you can’t get out of your room? Close the door and put a quilt (被子) at the foot of the door. It can stop the 【小题8】 from coming in. Open the window and shout for help. Let people know that you are still inside the building. Don’t stay 【小题9】 the bed. It’s hard for others to find you. So stay by the window on the floor. Keep these tips in mind, they will be 【小题10】if you are caught in a fire.shout
  • 五星知识达人网友:过活
  • 2021-12-31 00:19
(答案→)shout 解析:【小题1】从后面的“Fire!” as loudly as you can.可知是叫喊: shout 【小题1】告诉911等你在哪里:where【小题1】考查词组:by yourself靠自己【小题1】考查词组:as soon /quickly/fast as possible尽可能快的【小题1】考查词组:keep close to靠近【小题1】考查连词:在开门前,检查一下:before 【小题1】在着火的时候不要用电梯:Never /Don’t【小题1】这可以阻止烟雾进来:smoke【小题1】考查介词:不要呆在床下:under/behind【小题1】考查形容词:在着火的时候这些建议是很有用的:useful/ helpful
  • 1楼网友:你哪知我潦倒为你
  • 2021-12-31 01:46