
On April 11 Lincoln, Mrs Lincoln and two friends were spending night in talk, when Lincoln

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解决时间 2021-03-21 05:56
  • 提问者网友:富士山上尢
  • 2021-03-20 19:23
On April 11 Lincoln, Mrs Lincoln and two friends were spending night in talk, when Lincoln suddenly began to discuss his dreams. “I had one the other night. About 10 days ago I went to bed very 36 . I had been up 37 for important letters from the White House for a long time. I could not have been 38 in bed when I fell into sleep. I soon began to 39 . There seemed to be a dead silence about me. Then I heard sobs(抽泣), 40 a number of people were weeping. I thought I left my bed and 41 downstairs. There the silence was broken by some pitiful(令人可怜的) sobbing, but the mourners(送葬者)were 42 .I went from room to room, no living person was in sight; but the same mournful sounds of distress(悲痛) met me as I 43 along. It was light in all the rooms; 44 was well known to me,but 45 were all the people who were sobbing as if their hearts would 46 ? I was puzzled and frightened. What could be the 47 of all this? I kept on walking until I arrived at the East Room, which I 48 . Before me was a dead body. Around it were soldiers who were acting as 49 ; there were some people 50 pitifully. ‘‘Who is dead in the White House?” I asked.
“The president,” was the answer.
“It’s 51 !”I said to myself and was surprised. How did he die?”
“He was killed by an assassinator (暗杀者)!” was the answer.
“ 52 came a loud burst of crying from the crowd,which woke me from my dream. I slept 53 that night, and although it was 54 a dream I have been rather angry about it 55 .”
【小题1】A.soonB.lateC.quicklyD.early【小题2】A.readingB.answeringC.waitingD.paying【小题3】A.tiredB.busyC.excitedD.long【小题4】A.dreamB.thinkC.sleepD.wake【小题5】A.as ifB.even ifC.thoughD.unless【小题6】A.lookedB.waitedC.wanderedD.listened【小题7】A.out of sightB.sobbingC.talkingD.there【小题8】A.gotB.lookedC.passedD.shouted【小题9】A.everythingB.nothingC.the roomD.one mourner【小题10】A.whyB.whereC.howD.what【小题11】A.stopB.burstC.breakD.die【小题12】A.resultB.wrongC.matterD.meaning【小题13】A.stoodB.stayedC.enteredD.wandered【小题14】A.mournersB.enemiesC.servantsD.guards【小题15】A.shoutingB.weepingC.mourningD.working【小题16】A.himB.meC.terribleD.sad【小题17】A.SoB.ItC.ThenD.Thus【小题18】A.no moreB.moreC.excitedlyD.calmly【小题19】A.suchB.onlyC.stillD.also【小题20】A.foreverB.at that timeC.all alongD.ever sinceB
  • 五星知识达人网友:从此江山别
  • 2021-03-20 19:48
(答案→)B 解析:【小题1】B 上下文串联。根据37空说明我在等白宫的信件。说明他睡觉很晚。故B正确。【小题2】C 动词辨析。A阅读B回答C等待D付钱;指林肯在等待白宫的来信,所以熬到很晚才睡觉。【小题3】D 上下文串联。根据上文说明他等到很晚,所以不可能很长时间以后才睡着,说明他很快就睡着了。【小题4】A 上下文串联。根据上文discuss his dreams说明他们在谈论梦,故这里指他开始做梦。【小题5】A 连词辨析。A似乎B即使C尽管D除非;然后我听见哭声,好像有很多人都在哭。【小题6】C 动词辨析。A看B等C闲逛,走动D听;我下了床,走下了楼梯。【小题7】A 词义辨析。A看不见B哭泣C谈话D那里;安静被哭泣声打破,但是却看不见送葬的人。【小题8】C 动词辨析。Pass along向…走;我向前走的时候也有了同样的悲伤的感觉。【小题9】A 句意分析。这里的一切我都很熟悉,但是哭泣的人在哪里?他们哭的好像心都碎了一般。【小题10】B 副词辨析。句意同上句,指我搞不清楚哭的人在哪里?【小题11】C 固定词组。Break one’s heart打碎了某人的心。指让别人很伤心。【小题12】D 名词辨析。A结果B错误C麻烦事D意思;这一切是什么意思呢?【小题13】C动词辨析。A站立B待在C进入D徘徊,闲逛;是定语从句which指代the East Room做enter的宾语。【小题14】D 名词辨析。A送葬者B敌人C仆人D卫兵;指士兵充当卫兵在看护这尸体。【小题15】B 动词辨析。A喊叫B哭泣C嘀咕;D工作;指那些人围在尸体旁边哭泣。【小题16】C 上下文串联。我看看自己躺在那里死了,说真是太可怕了。【小题17】C 副词辨析。Then指那时,那时人群中传出很大的哭泣声。让我从梦中醒来。【小题18】A 上下文串联。做了如此的一个噩梦,肯定睡不着了。No more不再。【小题19】B 句意辨析。尽管这只是一个梦,但是从那以后我对这个梦一直很生气。【小题20】副词辨析。A永远B在那时C一直D从那时起;句意同上句。
  • 1楼网友:往事埋风中
  • 2021-03-20 21:14