
法国英语介绍 5分

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解决时间 2021-01-02 07:55
  • 提问者网友:浮克旳回音
  • 2021-01-02 03:11
法国英语介绍 5分
  • 五星知识达人网友:廢物販賣機
  • 2021-01-02 03:37
French perfume impressed by the br everywhere br everywhere French perfume and cosmetics world, universally acclaimed, and fashion. three together as a fine French wine industry. 多年以来,法国香水及化妆品业在世界同类行业的贸易中一直名列前茅,这不能不说是法国工业的骄傲。Over the years, the French perfume and cosmetics industry in the trade sector has been among the best kind in the world. This must be the pride of French industry.
法国人使用香料和化妆品始于13世纪,主要是贵族社会。French began in the 13th century, the use of perfume and cosmetics, is aristocracy. 在当时的宫廷里,不仅女人浓施粉黛,男人也用化妆品。At the time of the court, not only strong woman out cosmetics, men also used cosmetics. 法国第一家香精香料生产公司诞生于1730年,是在南部城市格拉斯成立的。France first flavoring company was born in 1730, in the southern city of Glass. 该市现有人口5万,在法国阿香水发展的历史上起了重要作用。The city's current population of 50,000, in France, perfume played an important role in the history of development. 其实真正的香水之都或者准确说是主产地是格拉斯,全世界80%的纯正香水产自那里,像中国人熟悉的CD、夏奈尔、兰蔻等等,贴上的只是法国或者巴黎的商标,因为大多数人毕竟只识巴黎。The truth or accuracy of perfume capital is the main origin Glass, produced in the world where 80% of the pure perfume, For example, Chinese people are familiar with the CD, chanel, o, etc., having only France or Paris marks Most people, after all, only because knowledge Paris. 如今这个神秘的格拉斯已经部分开放给游人,让外人获悉香水生产的秘密,领略只有法国才有的古老技艺的历史,甚至得以亲自体验在古风醇厚的香水作坊干活的滋味。Now the mysterious Grace has been open to visitors, so that outsiders learned the secret of perfume production. France have won only a taste of the ancient history even abl......余下全文>>