
I did very badly at school. My headmaster thought I was 36 and when I was 14 years old, he

答案:2  悬赏:10  手机版
解决时间 2021-01-09 20:19
  • 提问者网友:容嬷嬷拿针来
  • 2021-01-09 17:24
I did very badly at school. My headmaster thought I was 36 and when I was 14 years old, he predicted, “You are never to be 37 but a failure.”
After 5 years of poor jobs, I fell in love with a very nice middle-class girl. It was the best thing 38 could have happened to me. I 39 I should do something positive with my life because I wanted to prove 40 her that what people said about me had gone 41 , especially her mother, who once said to me, “Let’s 42 it. You’ve failed every thing you’ve ever done.” So I tried hard with my 43 and went to 44 . My first novel 45 while I was still a college student.
After college, I taught during the day in high schools and attended 46 classes at London University, where I 47 a degree in history. I became a lecturer at a college and was thinking of 48 that job to write full time when I was 49 a part-time job at Leeds University. I began to feel proud of myself---here was a working-class boy who’d 50 school early, now teaching at the university.
My writing career 51 when I discovered my own writing 52 . Now I’m rich and famous, have been on TV, and met lots of film stars. 53 what does it mean? I just wish that all those people who have 54 me down had just said, “I believe in you and you will be 55 .”
【小题1】A.naughtyB.lazyC.uselessD.raggy【小题2】A. nothing B. something C everything D. anything
【小题3】A.whenB.thatC.whichD.as【小题4】A.thoughtB.promisedC.decidedD.expected【小题5】A.toB.for C.withD.at【小题6】A.ridiculousB.acceptableC.believableD.wrong【小题7】A.seeB.faceC.treatD.react【小题8】A.writingB.experimentC.practiceD.composition【小题9】A.schoolB.collegeC.clubD.company【小题10】A.went acrossB.put asideC.came outD.set off【小题11】A.lectureB.writingC.teachingD.evening【小题12】A.receivedB.acceptedC.gaveD.offered【小题13】A.giving upB.paying forC.signing upD.ridding of【小题14】A.paidB.madeC.offeredD.tried【小题15】A.finishedB.goneC.delayedD.left【小题16】A.made offB.took offC.gave offD.moved off【小题17】A.styleB.habitC.ideaD.skill【小题18】A.ThereforeB.ButC.ThoughD.For【小题19】A.writtenB.turnedC.tornD.put【小题20】A.cheerfulB.enjoyableC.successfulD.forgettableC
  • 五星知识达人网友:长青诗
  • 2019-01-27 02:07
(答案→)C 解析:作者通过自己的努力向别人证明自己很成功!【小题1】C 上下文串联。根据上文我在学校表现很差可知校长认为我没有用处。【小题2】D 词义辨析。Anything成功的人或事。这里是指校长认为我永远都不会成功。【小题3】B 语法分析。本句考察的是强调句型。强调主语the best thing。【小题4】C 动词辨析。A思考;B允诺;C决定;D期待;根据句意可知我决定要做一些积极的事情。【小题5】A 固定词组。Prove to sb向某人证明。这里可知是我想向别人证明他们的说法是错的。【小题6】D 形容词辨析。解析同上。【小题7】B 动词辨析。A看见;B直面;C对待,治疗;D反应;这里是指我们直面这一切。【小题8】A 上下文串联。根据下文的novel可知是指写作。【小题9】B 上下文串联。根据下文的a college student可知是指上大学。【小题10】C 短语辨析。A穿过,横过;B放在一边;C出版;D引爆,使发生;这里是指我的小说出版。【小题11】D 上下文串联。上文提及白天教学,晚上参加夜校。【小题12】A 动词辨析。A收到;B接受;C给;D提供。这里是指我得到了学位。【小题13】A 短语辨析。A放弃;B付钱买…;C报名;D清除;结合上下文可知我要放弃工作专职写作。【小题14】C 动词辨析。这里是指利兹大学给我提供了一份全职工作。【小题15】D 词组辨析。Leave school毕业。这里是指我为自己感到自豪,很早就中学毕业,现在却在大学教书。【小题16】B 短语辨析。A匆匆逃走;B事业成功;C发出;D离开。这里是指我的事业成功了。【小题17】A 上下文串联。这里是指我我发现了自己的写作风格。【小题18】B 上下文串联。上文提及我已经很有名誉了,但是这又意味着什么呢?【小题19】D 固定词组。Put down看不起,轻视;结合上下文可知D正确。是指过去看不起我的人。【小题20】上下文串联。与文字开头相对应,开头是别人说我是失败的人,这里希望别人承认我的成功。
  • 1楼网友:摆渡翁
  • 2019-10-22 12:03