
“Seven out of ten people have tried to learn a language at some point in their life and mo

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解决时间 2021-12-01 05:28
  • 提问者网友:孤山下
  • 2021-11-30 13:59
“Seven out of ten people have tried to learn a language at some point in their life and most wish they could speak one more fluently,” a survey found. “And nine out of ten people want their children to learn foreign languages at primary school,” said the poll for the OCR Examing Board (牛津剑桥皇家考试委员会).Languages are no longer compulsory(义务的)for pupils aged 14 and over. But the government wants all primary school pupils in England to learn a language by the end of the decade.
A survey of 1000 people was carried out, which is organised by the National Centre of Language .The study suggested people in London were the most likely(78%) to have studied another language, Scots were next at 74%, followed by the northeast of England (71%).In the west of England, more than six in ten have knowledge of another language.
Barrie Hunt from OCR said, “People are often very negative about Britain,s grasp of foreign languages but in reality the number of people who can speak a second language is impressive. The great joke is that many of these people will have no formal qualification to show their family, friends and employers what they can do. Whether they are fluent or just able to hold a short conversation in another language is unknown.”
He said OCR had set a new language scheme called Asset Languages to encourage people of all ages to learn languages in bite-sized amounts and get a qualification.
The scheme also provides assessment for community languages spoken at home, such as Chinese, Urdu and Punjabi.
Isabella Moore from the National Centre of Languages said, “Employers want evidence of good communication skills, confidence and outward-looking attitudes, so a language qualification is an important addition to anyone,s resume.”
【小题1】It can be inferred that .A.foreign language study is popular in UKB.foreign language study is a must for people of all agesC.it is especially easy for British people to study foreign languagesD.students of over 14 no longer study foreign languages【小题2】Which of the following has the most to have studied a foreign language?A.People from Scotland.B.People from the northeast of England.C.People in London.D.People from the west of England.【小题3】 Which statement is true according to the text?A.A language qualification is the only evidence of a high-quality employee.B.Speaking foreign languages is the most important skill required in employment among all.C.A language qualification is very difficult to get in UK.D.Many people in UK don,t have a qualification although they can speak foreign languages.【小题4】 What’s the best title for the text?A.An Interesting SurveyB.UK Loves After AllC.Language Teaching in UKD.Better to Get a Language QualificationA
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(答案→)A 解析:【小题1】推断题。根据短文第一段所表述的内容:70%的英国人在一生中都曾经尝试过学习某种外语,90%的英国人希望他们的孩子从小学开始就学习外语。由此推断可得知答案。【小题2】事实细节题。根据第二段内容可知:一项调查显示,伦敦人学习一门外语的人数最多(78%),其次为苏格兰人(74%),再次为英国东部(71%)。而在英国本部,则有60%以上的人选择懂得一门外语。【小题3】事实细节题。根据第三段内容“最滑稽的是,很多人都无法拿出正式的资格证明来向他们的家人、朋友和用人单位证明自己的外语水平,他们到底是能够非常流利地运用一门外语还是只能用外语进行简单的对话无人可知”可得知答案。短文的最后讲到外语资格证“可以为简历专门增色不少”,但并不是求职时惟一的证据和技能,因此可排除A、B项;C项文中没有提及。【小题4】主旨题。透视全文可知,英国人学外语的热情很高,外语再也不只是14岁和14岁以上学生的必修课了。综上所述,根据标题概括性、针对性和醒目性原则可得答案。
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