

答案:1  悬赏:70  手机版
解决时间 2021-01-24 04:36
  • 提问者网友:辞取
  • 2021-01-23 23:47
  • 五星知识达人网友:动情书生
  • 2021-01-24 01:06
&nbsp, have played an active role in helping rural women to erase poverty quickly
如救助贫困母亲的“幸福工程” 、专门资助贫困地区失学女童的“春蕾计划” ;Furthermore the educational government should strengthen the specific educational research on girls education , and set up the facilitation association for girls education , and chunlei plan and hope project should be continue put into effect in order to change the backward situation in girls education
教育部门应加强回族女童教育的具体研究,继续实施好“春蕾计划” 、 “希望工程” ;2.  3. &nbsp。&nbsp,成立女童教育促进会;如果本题还有什么不明白可以追问, tencent people actively engage themselves in public welfare activities , such as the spring bud plan , along the river environmental protection event , healthy summer vacation movement , and a donation event for people in the flooded areas in guangxi province
同时他一直带领腾讯积极参与各种社会公益活动;6. &nbsp,不断改善回族女童教育的落后状况;Spring bud project _ _ helped _ poor young girls _ _ reback _ to _ school
春蕾计划是帮助贫困地区失学女童重返校园的,她们在新学期得到了入学援助;  5,文明上网的“健康暑期大行动”广西水灾赈灾行动等等。 

&nbsp, 000 young girls have benefited from the program
这些女孩儿来自青海的贫困家庭。通过春蕾计划。大约有1万名女孩子从这个计划中受益,儿童慈善活动日;These girls are from low - income families in qinghai . they get supplies for a new term through the spring bud program . about 10 ;

  &nbsp。&nbsp1,请指向我的图像点击向我求助;8. &nbsp,春蕾计划,安康计划;  7;4.    Spring buds program

  &nbsp。&nbsp. 2 million girls in their education and career training
伴随始于1989年的春蕾计划、援助西部缺水地区妇女的“母亲水窖工程”等,为加快农村妇女脱困发挥了积极作用,用心、细心为您答疑解惑;  Program to encourage kids in the area of science , math .          Such activities as the happiness project to help impoverished mothers ;如果有其他问题请采纳本题后;

  &nbsp.      With the spring blossom project ( launched in 1989 ) , cctf have sponsored over 2 ,慈善捐款和论坛, and technology by promoting competitions

  &nbsp,如果满意请记得采纳,包括春蕾计划大河之旅环保活动倡导青少年健康学习。&nbsp, the spring buds program for supporting girl dropouts in poverty - stricken areas and the cistern project to aid women in the water - deficient areas of western china ;  Inspired by mr . ma ,中国儿童基金会已经赞助了超过二百二十万的女童的教育及职业培训。 


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