
When I say “work is rest”, some people will say I’m crazy. But that’s the way it is—we nee

答案:2  悬赏:60  手机版
解决时间 2021-03-23 16:59
  • 提问者网友:原来太熟悉了会陌生
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When I say “work is rest”, some people will say I’m crazy. But that’s the way it is—we need to rest. Without rest, we will die. At a minimum, we won’t have the energy to work.
Nobody forces us to be so stupid about this. We just don’t know how to rest properly. We rest in ways that are not restful, even stressful. Some of our ways of rest interfere (妨碍) with our working energy. Instead of sleep, we go to the movies and clubs, drink or have a smoke with friends. This is because we misunderstand the meaning of “rest.”
We should remember that rest means not working, both physically and mentally. Only then is it real rest. When tired, rest. It’s simple. Actually, dogs and cats are smarter about this than people. People are stupid enough to rest in ways that destroy their capacity (能力) to work.
Rest and work always go together. There must be a balance: work during the day and rest at night. When the sun comes up, one has plenty of strength to work well and enjoy it. In other words, rest is a kind of investment, so that one has the strength and energy to continue working. So we need rest to work, recognizing that we can’t have one without the other. Rest is what recharges our batteries. We need enough time to charge up adequately to the tasks we undertake. Thus, we need to rest correctly; otherwise, illness will occur and also can affect the efficiency of our work.
Rest can’t be skimped. Without enough rest, good work is impossible. This is why we say that rest is another kind of work.
53. Which of the following is the best rest according to this passage?
A. Going to the movies and clubs.
B. Drinking or having a smoke with friends.
C. Sleeping at home.
D. Playing cards with family members.
54. The underlined word “skimped” in the last paragraph most probably means .
A. not supplied with enough of what is needed
B. strengthened in spite of the conditions
C. recharged during the time of working
D. invested without any of the cost
55. We can know from this passage that .
A. dogs and cats are smarter than we human beings
B. rest can make us work more efficiently
C. it’s not proper to sleep in the daytime for people.
D. rest is more important than work for people
56. Which of the following is the main idea of this passage?
A. Rest is another kind of work.
B. How to form the habit of sleeping.
C. Sufficient rest leads to success.
D. Why people need to rest.C
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(答案→)C 解析:
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