

答案:1  悬赏:60  手机版
解决时间 2021-02-22 07:34
  • 提问者网友:骑士
  • 2021-02-21 23:51
  • 五星知识达人网友:往事埋风中
  • 2021-02-22 00:25
Interesting Things at College

We all are very aware of the fact that college students work hard, dedicate themselves, and find little time for relaxation. Many use their extra time to work outside of college or perhaps enjoy a sporting event or two. Every place has a bit of humor attached to it or our existence would be very boring. College students find that humor really lights up once in awhile perhaps in an announcement or by a lecture by one of the teachers. In any case we thought that it might prove to be interesting to put out a bit of humor that some of the college students have encountered over the years. Please still laugh even if you heard these jokes before, ha, ha, my boss might be listening.

Every year the Dean address’s the freshmen class about the dormitory rules. The rules are simply put guys stay out of the girl’s dorm and girls stay out of the guy’s dorm. This year the Dean added that the facility had decided to fine anyone who breaks the rule. The first offense he stated will cost you $25, the second offense will cost you $50 and the third time will cost you a much heftier fine of $200. Then he ended by asking if there were any questions? One of the boys piped up, “How much for a season pass?” At that the Dean realized the fining would not be appropriate.

Next we are going to go to one of the favorite places that normally everyone attends on campus beside the cafeteria it is the Computer Lab. Now the Computer Lab can be very scary and intimidating for those of us who are not very computer savvy. Those who are familiar with the surroundings using the lab on a day to day basis are apt to poke fun or become annoying just distract or cause us to lose computer time.

Computer Lab Annoying Tips

Type very frantically, then stop, and look at the person next to you with an evil glean in your eye.

Complain to the monitor on duty that your computer will not work, but make sure that it is turned off first.

Why not connect each computer to a different screen than the one it’s set up with to find out the expressions on the faces of others.

You can write a program that plays the theme song of one of the old TV programs like Green Acres and play it over and over at a very high volume.

One of the most frightening things to the person next to you is to ask them if they know how to type into the top secret files at the Pentagon. Then tell them you do can you use their terminal for a while.

These are really corny ways to be annoying but some people find that just reading them makes a person laugh.