

答案:2  悬赏:10  手机版
解决时间 2021-03-15 19:41
  • 提问者网友:疯孩纸
  • 2021-03-15 15:45

在显微镜下,没有一桩爱情是完美的。徐志摩说:“得之,我幸;不得,我命。”这句话是说:“你这样的人啊,遇不到,也就算了,我这一辈子,也就这样过去了;遇到了,就一定会爱上,爱上了,就一定会奋不顾身。”他还说,“一生至少该有一次,为了某个人而忘了自己,不求有结果,不求同行,不求曾经拥有,甚至不求你爱我,只求在我最美的年华里,遇到你。” 所以,我们可以不相信永恒,但是,我们应相信爱情。爱一个人,其实也是自爱。爱让我们发觉自己原来可以成为更好的人。爱情需要屡败屡战,能找到真爱的,并不只是运气好的那些人,更是在伤痕累累后,仍然相信爱情的人。世界上唯一比被爱更幸福的,就是去爱;唯一比被爱更幸运的,就是在茫茫人海中,找到值得爱的人。作家杜拉斯说“爱之于我,不是肌肤之亲,不是一蔬一饭,它是一种不死的欲望,是疲惫生活中的英雄梦想。”我们要相信爱情,全心全意去爱吧。其他的,都交给命运。
  • 五星知识达人网友:duile
  • 2021-03-15 16:29
Once enviable marriage instant collapse, loving couplessuddenly become strangers, let many netizens repeatedly exclamation: "still believe in love?" The young man asked Jackson: Faye Wong and Li Yapeng are divorced, whether thelove is not exist? The master smiled, pointing at the little bird flying in the sky: "have a look it, you know." Youth looking atbirds for a long time, until it disappeared. "Master mean, the meaning of love is like the bird flew away, when it disappeared,it is the time for the end of love?" Master: "no eyes! I mean,people divorce, none of your business?"
Micro-blog, micro message and forum, someone very sorry,also some people indifferent to. Have a joke this two days veryfire: "what about Faye Wong and Li Yapeng, let He Jie (micro-blog) and Shi Xiaolong how, let Wang Feng and his wife! As long as your mother and father together, your grandma andgrandpa together, your grandpa and grandma together, your aunt and uncle together with you, your uncle and aunt youtogether, you and your uncle aunt together, your uncle andaunt you together, you have to believe in love, have a lookdeposit balance of their own, don't worry!" Although it isstraight, but also shows the true meaning of life.
Since "in the crowd to see you one more", began a period of 8years of love "legend", although the parties and the audience would like this feeling good and go down to posterity, but, since"believe everything has an end", why should we demanding"green flows"? Since the "OK", "tomorrow the sun also rises,"both want peace break up, others will not too much withpeople's private feelings. Breaking up is not necessarily a good thing to calm, we might as well send blessings, treat with indifference. The star also is a person, also have the seven emotions and six sensory pleasures, will also face the passionsin life, we cannot put myself for life, love too perfectionist idealto coerce the star who, this to them really hard. After all, the removal of the halo stars, just an ordinary job, instead of"Chinese onlookers" caused so much pressure to them, rather than come back, really like friends in the joke said, to look at your life.
在显微镜下,没有一桩爱情是完美的。徐志摩说:“得之,我幸;不得,我命。”这句话是说:“你这样的人啊,遇不到,也就算了,我这一辈子,也就这样过去了;遇到了,就一定会爱上,爱上了,就一定会奋不顾身。”他还说,“一生至少该有一次,为了某个人而忘了自己,不求有结果,不求同行,不求曾经拥有,甚至不求你爱我,只求在我最美的年华里,遇到你。” 所以,我们可以不相信永恒,但是,我们应相信爱情。爱一个人,其实也是自爱。爱让我们发觉自己原来可以成为更好的人。爱情需要屡败屡战,能找到真爱的,并不只是运气好的那些人,更是在伤痕累累后,仍然相信爱情的人。世界上唯一比被爱更幸福的,就是去爱;唯一比被爱更幸运的,就是在茫茫人海中,找到值得爱的人。作家杜拉斯说“爱之于我,不是肌肤之亲,不是一蔬一饭,它是一种不死的欲望,是疲惫生活中的英雄梦想。”我们要相信爱情,全心全意去爱吧。其他的,都交给命运。
Under the microscope, no love is perfect. Xu Zhimo said: "well, I am fortunate; not, my life." This sentence is said: "people like you ah, can not meet, also calculate, I this lifetime, also so in the past; met, must be love, love, will certainly to forget about one's own." He also said, "there will be at least one time, you forget yourself for someone, asking for no result, no company,no ownership, nor love, just ask for meeting you in my mostbeautiful years, to meet you." Therefore, we can not believe that the eternal, however, we should believe in love. Love a person, it is love. Love let us find they can to be a better man.Love needs to keep fighting, to find true love, not just those people good luck, it is in the scarred after, still believe in love.The only thing in the world than to be loved, to love; the onlymore than love is lucky, in the boundless huge crowd, find aman worthy of love. Author Duras says "love in me, not jifuzhiqin, is not a center of a meal, it is a desire to die, is tired of living in the dream of a hero." We want to believe in love, put one's heart and soul into love. The other, to fate.
  • 1楼网友:野慌
  • 2021-03-15 16:58
Once let a person envy marriage collapsed, conjugal love of husband and wife instantly become a stranger, let many people repeatedly exclamation: "can again believe in love?"Youth asked Jackson: faye wong and li yapeng a divorce, if love would not have been there?Lakers coach phil Jackson smiled and pointed to the sky flying birds way: "you'll understand when you look at it."Young birds looked at for a long time, until it is gone."Master of the mean, the meaning of love, like the bird flying away, when it disappeared trace, also is the end of love?"Master close your eyes, "no! I mean, somebody else's divorce, it's none of your bird matter?" Weibo, micro letter, and in the BBS, some regret, others along the way.Have a joke this two days very fire: "don't worry about faye wong and li yapeng how, don't worry about how he jie (weibo) and ShiXiaoLong, don't worry about how Mr Wang and his wife! As long as your mother and your father together, your grandma and grandpa together, your grandpa and grandma together, your aunt and uncle together, your uncle and aunt together, your uncle and Jin together, your uncle and aunts together, you have to believe in love, look at your balance, don't fuss about nothing!"Is is the truth straight, but it also revealed the essence of life. Since "in the crowd see your one eye," began a period of eight years of love "legend", although the parties and the audience all hope that this relationship good and immortal, but now that "believe all have an end," we why demanding "expected beautifual"?Now that both sides are "ok", "the sun also rises tomorrow," suggests that both sides want peace break up, don't too much with others into people's private feelings.Still break up not necessarily a good thing, we might as well send blessings, Monday.Stars are also human beings, there are desires, will face the joys and sorrows of life, we can not for life, love myself too much perfectionism ideal forced to the stars, it really hard for them.Star, after all, except the aura, is just a normal job, rather than "Chinese onlookers" to cause they are so big pressure, might as well come back to, really like a net friend said that in the jokes, look to their own life. Under a microscope, there is no love is perfect.Xu zhimo said: "I; too may not, I am."This sentence is said: "a man, like you never meet, also calculate, I this lifetime, also passed; met, will fall in love with, fall in love with, will be.", he said, "life at least one time that forget yourself for someone, don't beg a result, no company, no ownership, even don't beg you love me, but in my most beautiful years, met you."So, we can don't believe in forever, but, we should believe in love.Love a person, is love.Love makes us find themselves can become a better person.Love needs often hurt often war, to find true love, is not just a lucky people, especially after the scarred, still believe in love.The world's only happier than to be loved, is to love;The only more lucky than to be loved, it is in the boundless huge crowd, find someone to love.Writer duras says the love for me, not close skin, not a vegetable rice, it is a kind of undead desire, is the hero of the fatigue life dream."We want to believe in love, love with all my heart.Other, to fate.