vehicle identifier 14 characters max
; dimensions in metres
; mass in Kg
; velocity in Km/h
; acceleration/deceleration in ms-2
; multipliers x1.0 is default
; angles in degrees
; Levels :- (L)ow, (M)edium, (H)igh
; buoyancy = percent submerged (> 100% vehicle sinks)
; engine type :- (P)etrol, (D)iesel, (E)lectric
; engine drive :- (F)ront, (R)ear, (4)-wheel drive
; ----------------------
; (A) vehicle identifier [14 characters max]
; (B) fMass [1.0 to 50000.0]
; (C) Dimensions.x [0.0 > x > 20.0]
; (D) Dimensions.y [0.0 > x > 20.0]
; (E) Dimensions.z, [0.0 > x > 20.0]
; (F) CentreOfMass.x [-10.0 > x > 10.0]
; (G) CentreOfMass.y [-10.0 > x > 10.0]
; (H) CentreOfMass.z [-10.0 > x > 10.0]
; (I) nPercentSubmerged [10 to 120]
; (J) fTractionMultiplier [0.5 to 2.0]
; (K) fTractionLoss [0.0 > x > 1.0]
; (L) fTractionBias [0.0 > x > 1.0]
; (M) TransmissionData.nNumberOfGears [1 to 4]
; (N) TransmissionData.fMaxVelocity [5.0 to 150.0]
; (O) TransmissionData.fEngineAcceleration [0.1 to 10.0]
; (P) TransmissionData.nDriveType [F/R/4]
; (Q) TransmissionData.nEngineType [P/D/E]
; (R) fBrakeDeceleration [0.1 to 10.0]
; (S) fBrakeBias [0.0 > x > 1.0]
; (T) bABS [0/1]
; (U) fSteeringLock [10.0 to 40.0]
; (V) fSuspensionForceLevel not [L/M/H]
; (W) fSuspensionDampingLevel not [L/M/H]
; (X) fSeatOffsetDistance // ped seat position offset towards centre of car
; (Y) fCollisionDamageMultiplier [0.2 to 5.0]
; (Z) nMonetaryValue [1 to 100000]
; (aa) suspension upper limit
; (ab) suspension lower limit
; (ac) suspension bias between front and rear
; (ad) suspension anti-dive multiplier
; (ae) flags!!! WARNING - Now written HEX for easier reading of flags