“ A veil has lifted that shrouded my eyes.the folds that lay over me no longer life...”
“It shines in your infinite smile.It was like a gift fioating down through the dark...”
“ A veil has lifted that shrouded my eyes.the folds that lay over me no longer life...”
“It shines in your infinite smile.It was like a gift fioating down through the dark...”
A veil has lifted that shrouded my eyes.the folds that lay over me no longer life
It shines in your infinite smile.It was like a gift fioating down through the dark
你的意味深远的微笑在闪耀着,你像那冲破暗夜的珍贵的礼物, ...
是Indescibalbe night(美妙的夜晚) 的歌词
在您的无限smile.It shies犹如漂浮在黑暗.....下来gify