下载了雨林木风的最新xp sp3 Ghost版本的 用硬盘直接安装,重启后出现
Booting GRLDR
Turning on gate A20 ......Success.
Warming: MBR cylinders(9965) is not equal to the BIOS one(1024).
Warming: MBR total sectors(160087725)is greater than the BIOS one(160086528).
Some buggy BOISes could hang when you access sectors exceding the BIOS limit.
Starting cmain......
Warming: MBR cylinders(9965) is not equal to the BIOS one(1024).
Warming: MBR total sectors(160087725)is greater than the BIOS one(160086528).
Some buggy BOISes could hang when you access sectors exceding the BIOS limit
键盘没有反应 然后接着出现
GRUB 4 DOS 0.4.3 2007-04-22 Memory:639k/510M CodeEnd OX3EOEB
Minimal BASH-like line editing is supported .For the first word ,TAB lists possible command completions.Anywhere else TAB lists the possbile completions of a device/filename.
键盘不能用 持续这样,重启还是一样
求高人指点迷津 谢谢了