(1).danish jurisprudence operates on the basis of a division into public law. the borderline is not easy to define, and the basis for this division is much debated. civil law regulates reciprocal relations between citizens and between natural persons and legal persons, e.g. companies and institutions
(2).the citizens' liberty of action can only be restrained by law or by legal precedent, i.e. on the basis if an act.
(3).the constitution determines the conditions under which acts are vaid. after being passed by the folketing and having received the Royal assent, acts must be published in the official journal Lovtidende. they come into effect one week after publication if no other date is specifically fixed in act concerned.
(4).many acts are given the form of framework laws containing general guidelines and leaving it to the minister concerned to provide more precise redulations.
(5).from ancient times the contents of the law have been determined by the courts by means of case law in areas where there is no legislation, and this still occurs, for instance especially in the law of compensation. In other legal systems inspired by anglo-saxon law, common law, the courts have, however, a far greater law-creating function than in denmark.
(6).customary laws are also sources of law. a legal custom arises when a specific manner of behaviour has been followed generally, constantly and over a long period of time, because the persons concerned were convinced that they were legally obliged to do so.