
On my first visit to India with my husband, we met a really nice woman named Uma on the pl

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解决时间 2021-01-02 06:17
  • 提问者网友:佞臣
  • 2021-01-01 19:27
On my first visit to India with my husband, we met a really nice woman named Uma on the plane. Talking with her made the long flight much faster.
When we arrived. we learned that our bags had not made the trip with our plane. As we were filling out the luggage forms, we couldn't help noticing the mountain of unclaimed baggage in a corner. Would we see our belongings again? This was not a good beginning of our 6-week trip.
It was now 4 am Saturday morning. The officials had told us there was no in checking to see if our bags had arrived until Monday. What should we do next? we stood there wondering, Uma came over. Learning of our , she said. Our driver will soon be here to me up. Come home with me.
We entered the steamy early scene outside. Lots of people were waiting for their loved ones. calling their names and them into warm hugs as they reconnected. minutes, Uma said, There's our car! We piled into the small car, already with family members who had come to Uma home.
At the house, Uma's family took us in we had known one another for a long time. They fed us delicious Indian meals, took us on of their city and brought us to their favorite temples. On morning. their driver brought us to the airport, where we were happy to find our bags, and sound.
What a gift Uma's was! In my very first moments on Indian soil. I learned an unforgettable lesson about the warm, generous of the Indian people. Uma had begun achain reaction that we did our best to on wherever we went.
【小题1】A.go aheadB.go byC.go upD.go through【小题2】A.anyhowB.somehowC.anywayD.however【小题3】A.missingB.losingC.goneD.stolen【小题4】A.seldomB.foreverC.evenD.ever【小题5】A.troubleB.problemC.pointD.use【小题6】A.BeforeB.AfterC.AsD.Since【小题7】A.situationB.conditionC.suggestionD.conclusion【小题8】A.callB.pickC.getD.bring【小题9】A.morningB.afternoonC.nightD.evening【小题10】A.puttingB.turningC.collectingD.gathering【小题11】A.ForB.ByC.WithinD.During【小题12】A.coveredB.crowdedC.comparedD.charged【小题13】A.seeB.bringC.sendD.welcome【小题14】A.even thoughB.as ifC.in caseD.now that【小题15】A.toursB.journeysC.voyagesD.travels【小题16】A.FridayB.SaturdayC.MondayD.Sunday【小题17】A.quietB.goodC.heavyD.safe【小题18】A.kindnessB.politenessC.braveryD.carefulness【小题19】A.actionB.spiritC.stateD.deed【小题20】A.dependB.putC.passD.turnB
  • 五星知识达人网友:山有枢
  • 2021-01-01 20:52
(答案→)B 解析:文章大意:作者第一次和丈夫去印度,在飞机上遇到Uma,交谈胜欢。到达机场的时候发现行李不见了,在他们等待行李到达的时候,Uma一家人对他们无微不至的款待与照顾令作者感动不已。【小题1】B短语辨析。A好吧,行吧;B时间(经过);C上升;D经历。和她交谈使得很长时间的航班变得相当的快。【小题2】B 副词辨析。A不管怎样;B不知怎么地;C无论如何;D然而。当我们到达的时候,我们意识到我们的包不知怎么的不在我们旅行的飞机上。【小题3】A 形容词辨析。the missing luggage丢失的行李,或用the lost luggage。当我们正在填写丢失行李表格的时候,我们情不自禁的注意到角落里堆成山似的无人认领的行李。【小题4】D 副词辨析。A 很少;B 永远;C 甚至;D 一直,永远;这里指作者在想:我们还会看到我们丢失的行李了么?【小题5】C 短语固定搭配。There is/was no point in doing sth.做某事没有意义。官员告诉我们检查我们的包是否到达已经没有意义了。【小题6】C 连词辨析。A在……之前;B在……之后;C当……时候;D自从。当我们惊愕的站在那儿的时候,Uma走过来了。【小题7】A 名词辨析。A处境;B条件;C建议;D结论。这里指Uma了解了我们的处境。【小题8】B 短语固定搭配。pick sb. up接某人。我们的司机很快就来这儿接我了。【小题9】A 上下文串联。根据上文It was now 4 am Saturday morning.可以判断是“早晨”。early morning指清晨。【小题10】D。动词辨析。A放,安置;B转向;C收集;D聚集。叫着他们的名字,把他们拥抱在怀里。【小题11】C 介词辨析。within minutes指在几分钟之内。在几分钟之内,Uma说:“那就是我们的车。”【小题12】B 短语固定搭配。be crowded with挤满了。我们挤进了小汽车,车里已经挤满了来迎接Uma回家的家庭成员。【小题13】D 动词辨析。A看;B带来;C送;D欢迎。这里指Uma的家人迎接Uma回家。【小题14】B 短语辨析。A尽管;B好像;C万一;D既然。到了家,Uma的家人带我们进去,好像我们彼此认识很久了。【小题15】A 动词辨析。A周游;B长途旅行;C水上航行;D远距离旅行。他们带我们环游他们的城市。【小题16】C 上下文连串。根据上文our bags had arrived until Monday.可以知道应当是Monday。在周一早上,他们的司机带我们到机场。【小题17】D 短语固定搭配。safe and sound安然无恙。在机场,我们高兴的发现我们的包安然无恙。【小题18】A 名词辨析。A热情;B礼貌;C勇敢;A仔细。这里指Uma对“我们”热情的款待。【小题19】B 名词辨析。A行动;B精神;C状态;D行为。这里指印度人热情、慷慨的精神。【小题20】C 短语固定搭配。pass on传递。无论我们走到哪儿,我们尽我们最大的努力来传递这种精神。
  • 1楼网友:一把行者刀
  • 2021-01-01 21:40