

答案:2  悬赏:60  手机版
解决时间 2021-01-04 00:17
  • 提问者网友:藍了天白赴美
  • 2021-01-03 21:22
  • 五星知识达人网友:爱难随人意
  • 2021-01-03 22:54
昨天,我们一大家子去滴水岩风景区里野餐。   早上9点,我们刚到滴水岩风景区,映入眼帘的是一片被群山环绕的世界。我和弟弟我和弟弟二人提早去往烧烤地了。刚走到半山腰,嘴就有点干了,在我们左侧,却出现了一个水库,我们真想跳下去饮一口水再上来。我们又走了一会儿,发现前面有个分岔口,我们在那儿歇了一会儿。两分钟后,爸爸他们上来了,爸爸用手做了一个手势,意思是往右走我似乎懂了爸爸的意思,朝右边跑去。马上,我们走到了山的尽头。我们找了一块平坦的地方,细心的爸爸发现,不远处还有一个现成的灶台,我们就在那儿安顿了下来。我们摆好野餐布,我、弟弟和大姨夫去山上捡柴,爸爸和叔叔挑水,其他人则把包里所有的东西都摊好。9点45分,所有东西都准备好了。小姨拿出一台烧烤机,然后又拿出骨肉相连、香肠、鸡翅、青菜和金针菇。小姨又拿出一张铝箔纸,放在烧烤机上,又把两串金针菇和五串骨肉相连放到烧烤机上。一阵“噼里啪啦”的声音传入我的耳朵里,我的口水直往下流。   10点,第一批烧烤出炉啦。我拿起一只一次性盘子,把一串骨肉相连和一串金针菇放进盘子,然后狼吞虎咽地吃起来。   10点半,爸爸把一些潮虾放进锅里,这些虾急得像热锅上的蚂蚁,活蹦乱跳的。一分钟后,这些虾便不再跳了。当我爸爸走开的时候,我把锅盖打开了,有一只虾竟跳了出来,我赶紧把锅盖盖上,以防更多的虾逃出。我又到小姨那儿,拿了几根香肠、几对鸡翅和一些青菜。我发现一根香肠没串好,刚拿起来的时候,香肠却掉了。这也引来了一只野猫。我小心翼翼到那只猫的背后,正当我伸手去抓他的时候,他却已经逃之夭夭了。   12点半,我们都吃饱了,我就和弟弟他们玩起了扑克牌。 1点,我们下山到了滴水岩所在的寺庙,进了寺庙后,我们终于看到了所谓的滴水岩。只见一滴滴水往下流,那“叮叮咚咚”的泉水击水声非常美妙,显得四周非常宁静。在水面上有两条鲤鱼在水里游,细心的人还会发现水面上还有几只乌龟在嬉戏。 1点半,我们依依不舍的离开了滴水岩风景区。   Yesterday, we went to a big family picnic Dishuiyan Scenic Area.   9:00 in the morning, we arrived dripping Rock Scenic Area, the eye is a world surrounded by mountains. My brother and my brother and two early to go to the barbecue. Just went to the hillside, a little dry mouth, in our left side, but there is a reservoir, we really want to drink a sip of water and then jump up. We went for a while, found in front of a fork, where we rested for a while. Two minutes later, they came up the father, the father made a hand gesture, meaning right away I seem to understand the meaning of my father, and ran toward the right side. Now, we come to the end of the mountain. We find a flat place, attentive father found, not far from a ready-made stove, and there we settled down. We gracefully picnic cloth, my brother and great uncle to the mountains collecting firewood, fetching water father and uncle, someone else put the bag share everything good. 9:45, everything is ready. Aunt took out a barbecue machine, and then come up with flesh attached, sausage, chicken, vegetables and mushroom. Aunt took out a piece of aluminum foil, place on grill machine, again two strings and five-string mushroom flesh attached onto the grill machine. While "crackling" sound into my ears, my mouth straight nasty.   10:00, first barbecue baked friends. I picked up a disposable plates, put a bunch of flesh attached, and a bunch of mushroom into the plate, then gobbled up.   10:30, Dad put some tide shrimp into the pot, these shrimp anxious like ants on a hot pan, alive and kicking. A minute later, the shrimp will no longer jump. When my father walked away, I opened the lid, there is a shrimp actually jumped out, I quickly put the lid cover to prevent more shrimp escape. I went to the aunt there, took a few sausages, several pairs of wings and a few vegetables. I found a string of sausage not good, just to get up, but fell sausage. This also led to a wildcat. I gingerly back to that cats, just as I reach out and grab him, he has already fled.   12:30, we are fed up, I and my brother they playing poker. 1:00, we dripping down to the rock where the temple, into the temple, we finally saw the so-called Dishuiyan. I saw a drop of water dripping down the stream, that "knocking" sound very nice fountain splashing into the water, it is very quiet four weeks. On the surface there are two carp swim in the water, careful people will find on the water there are a few turtles in the play. 1:30, we reluctantly left the Dishuiyan Scenic Area.
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