
翻译A smiling face at store 这篇文章

答案:1  悬赏:20  手机版
解决时间 2021-11-15 21:04
  • 提问者网友:欲望失宠
  • 2021-11-15 00:52
翻译A smiling face at store 这篇文章
  • 五星知识达人网友:三千妖杀
  • 2021-11-15 01:30
完形填空 (15分)
A smiling face at the store
I need to get some things to clean the house this weekend, so I left for a local store. While walking around, I realized that I didn’t smile at . That was out of my character. I almost always smile at strangers in the that it may make them a bit happier. But in that special moment, I was thinking of what had me earlier in the day, not really in the mood to smile.
When I went to check out(结账) my things, I met with a very line. People were buying Christmas gifts.
To shorten the first line, a second register(收银台) opened up. I turned to it. After a few moments, I began to that all the people before me had lots of things to check out. I wasn’t any longer, so I returned to the first line. After a short while, all the people in the second line checked out. I was still standing in the line.
At last, it was my to check out. I found that the man behind the register seemed so happy!He greeted me a big smile.
“ nice it is to see a smiling face in this store!” I said.
He to me, “I love to smile, because you never know what people are going through.” At that moment, he made me think of .
Something in me changed, and we began talking about — about how it goes a long way. Therewas no one behind me, so we talked and laughed for a while. What a gift it is, to be by this kind young man! I suddenly had all the time in the world.