
It had been a long,hard,wonderful day.The two of us had walked from the sea’s edge through

答案:2  悬赏:60  手机版
解决时间 2021-12-31 02:38
  • 提问者网友:绫月
  • 2021-12-30 05:15
It had been a long,hard,wonderful day.The two of us had walked from the sea’s edge through the length of a beautiful valley,climbed a superb mountain,travelled its narrow,rocky ridge(山脊),and now stood on its final peak,tired,happy and looking for the perfect campsite.
The experienced backpacker has a natural feeling for such things,and our eyes were drawn to a small blue circle on the map,like an eye winking at us.We could not see it from where we were,but we followed our judgement and went down steeply until it came into view.
We were right.It was a calm pool,with flat grass beside it.Gently taking our packs off,we made the first of many cups of tea before pulling up our tent.Later that evening,over another cup of tea and after a good meal,we sat outside the tent watching the sunset over a sea dotted with islands,towards one of which a ferry was slowly moving.It is not always so perfect,of course.On another trip,with a different companion,a thoroughly wet day had ended at a lonely farm.Depressed at the thought of camping,we had knocked and asked if we could use a barn(谷仓) as a shelter.
Backpacking could be defined as the art of comfortable,self­sufficient(自给自足的) travel on foot.Everything you need is in the pack on your back,and you become emotionally_as_well_as_physically_attached_to_it.I once left my pack hidden in some rocks while I made a long trip to a peak I particularly wanted to climb.I was away for nearly three hours and ended up running the last stretch in fear that my precious pack would not be there.It was,of course.
The speed at which the backpacker travels makes this the perfect way to see any country.You experience the landscape as a slow unfolding scene,almost in the way it was made;and you find time to stop and talk to people you meet.I’ve learned much local history from simply chatting to people I met while walking through an area.At the end of a trip,whether three days or three weeks,there’s a feeling of achievement,of having got somewhere under your own power.
After years of going out walking just for the day,many people start backpacking simply through wanting to stay out rather than cut short a trip.
【小题1】The writer and his companion knew there was a pool because .A.they had been told about itB.they could see it on the mapC.they had seen it earlier in the dayD.they could see it from the top of the mountain【小题2】What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 2 refer to?A.The map.B.The pool.C.The mountain.D.The campsite.【小题3】How did the writer and his companion feel at the end of the day?A.They were too tired to put up their tent.B.They wished they could have found a farm.C.They were anxious about the coming weather.D.They were delighted with the spot they’d found.【小题4】What does the writer mean by being “emotionally as well as physically attached to it ” in Paragraph 4?A.It is more than just a practical aid.B.He walks better when he is wearing it.C.It is not a good idea to leave it anywhere.D.He might die on the mountains without it.B
  • 五星知识达人网友:零点过十分
  • 2021-12-30 05:55
(答案→)B 解析:【小题1】答案 B解析 细节理解题。由第二段的“...our eyes were drawn to a small blue circle on the map...”可知,作者和同伴是在地图上看到了这个水塘。【小题2】答案 B解析 代词指代题。根据第三段的“It was a calm pool...”可知,it指的是水塘。【小题3】答案 D解析 推理判断题。根据第三段的叙述:喝了茶,吃了一顿美食,坐在帐篷外看日落,再结合下文另一次不愉快的旅行的对比,可以推断作者和他的同伴对这个宿营地非常满意。【小题4】答案 A解析 句意理解题。由下文举的例子可以看出,作者不仅把背包看作徒步旅行的必需品,而且还看作是一种精神寄托,因此才会飞奔回去找他的背包。
  • 1楼网友:过活
  • 2021-12-30 06:47