
我需要<新傲慢与偏见>的影评 英文的.

答案:3  悬赏:60  手机版
解决时间 2021-02-10 21:40
  • 提问者网友:niaiwoma
  • 2021-02-10 06:32
  • 五星知识达人网友:長槍戰八方
  • 2021-02-10 06:51
The feeling of 《Pride And Prejudice》

Then man treat great event in one's life with punishing, Demonstrate different attitudes to the love question of the marriage of young girl of the family origin of middle class of villages and towns, Thus reflected authors oneself's marriage view: It is wrong to get married for the property, money and position; Get married and does not consider that above-mentioned factors are unwise too . So, she objects to getting married for money , objecting to regarding the marriage as a trifling matter . She emphasizes the importance of the ideal marriage , and regard men and women's emotion as the foundation stone which concludes the ideal marriage .
The woman protagonist in the book Elizabeth comes from the little landlord's family, reaches the west to have deep love for for the rich and powerful people sons and younger brothers. Reach the disparity of ignoring family status and wealth of the west, propose to her, but is refused. Elizabeth's misunderstanding and prejudice to him are a reason, but a main one is the arrogance that she dislikes him. Reach the thes of the west in fact status' the reflections of difference, exist this kind arrogant, Not having common thoughts and feelings between he and Elizabeth, the marriage that can not have lofty ideals . Elizabeth watches conducting oneself in society and a series of behavior of reaching the west personally afterwards, See he change the proud conceited expressions of passing by, dispel misunderstanding and prejudice to him, Thus concluded the happy marriage with him.
  • 1楼网友:慢性怪人
  • 2021-02-10 08:04
《wonderful adaption》 After freezing my behind off out in the cold to wait in line for more than an hour last night, I want to say that it was SO worth the wait. It's difficult for me to write about this movie, because I loved it so much that I didn't know where to begin. Well, let's start from the story itself. I guess anybody who's mildly interested in this movie would already know what it's about, but here's a little recap again(taken from yahoo movies): "The story takes place in the class-conscious England of the late 18th century. The five Bennet sisters--including strong-willed Elizabeth and young Lydia--have all been raised by their mother with one purpose in life: finding a husband. When a wealthy bachelor takes up residence in a nearby mansion, the Bennets are abuzz. Amongst the man's sophisticated circle of friends, surely there will be no shortage of suitors for the Bennet sisters. But when Elizabeth meets up with the handsome but snobbish Mr. Darcy, the battle of the sexes is joined." I would say the movie stays close to the original plot for the most part. Some parts are missing, but that is expected in order to fit the story into a 2-hour movie. I liked it that the movie toned down Mrs. Bennet's constant embarrassing tones and behaviors, and limited the screen time for the ever annoying Wickham, since I really can't stand the two of them. The cinematography was beautiful and eyes-captivating, the sceneries and sets were breathtaking, and every shot of the movie was so carefully calculated and seemed so free-flowing that you would think a lot of scenes were shot in one long swoop. I especially loved the ballroom dancing scenes. There were a lot of people in the room and could be very confusing, but the director successfully did his magic and had us focus on the main characters at all times without straining our eyes. The casts were superb, especially Keira Knightley as Lizzy. I never really liked her, hated her in "Pirates of Caribbean" and "Love Actually". But here, she's the one person who really shined and carried most scenes. As the headstrong Elizabeth, she's intelligent, playful, cheery, yet passionate all at the same time. At the scene where she confronts Darcy's confession, you can really see the fire in her eyes, and it gets your blood boiling along with her. At the end, when she talks to Mr. Bennet about her love for Darcy, wow, it was so sweet and powerful that it almost made me cry. Unfortunately, with Knightley shining so bright, I feel that Matthew MacFadyen as Mr. Darcy was a bit over-shadowed by her. With Colin Firth's Darcy being so successful, it's hard for anyone to fill his shoes, but MacFadyen did it very well. You can't quite compare the two Mr. Darcy's, since MacFadyen played it with a slightly different tone. His Darcy is still dark, but there's a certain silly-ness about him that made us laugh, in a good way. He showed a lot more emotion through his actions, facial expressions and body language than Firth ever did. The way he went to see Lizzy for no reason at all, the scene where he touched her hand, and how when they're the only ones in each other's eyes while dancing in a room full of people; yikes, he will make your heart melt! One thing though, loyal fans of the novel might not be so fond of the ending. Instead of a wedding, the movie invents a brand new ending scene that doesn't quite fit into a Jane Austen movie. I liked it though, it's romantic enough. :) Tell you all a little secret, since my post from last night, I've actually watched this movie twice already. Call me crazy, but a little Jane Austen is always the best cure for those of us who have lost all hopes in classical old-fashioned romance.
  • 2楼网友:执傲
  • 2021-02-10 07:40
都说电影是光与影的神话,筹光交错中道尽杯酒人生。一部好电影是建立在一个好故事之上的,而导演就是那个讲故事的人,这个好故事怎么讲,是倒叙是插叙、是调侃是批判、是讲得激情澎湃还是诉得娓娓动听,这就是体现一个导演才华和个人审美的地方了。   影片的开头,未见画面耳边就响起鸟儿欢快的啾啾声,然后是一幅太阳初升时候山林村庄静谧美好的画面,然后画面开始明亮,左上角橙色如蛋黄般的太阳缓缓升起,片刻间,小山村就被笼罩在一片温和的金色之中——无需过多的言语,也没有琐碎的镜头剪接,短短几秒就让屏幕前的观众心情平静下来,妨若身临其境。接着我们的女主人公出现,美丽的姑娘手捧着书边看边走在这清晨的小路上,金色的太阳衬在她身后,金色的柔光打在她身上——又是短短几秒钟,就把她的清新美丽、优雅知性体现了出来。跟着她的步伐,镜头里出现了结队而过的猪、嘎嘎的大白鹅和鸡鸭、晾晒于庭院的白色衣物、弹奏钢琴的少女……这是一组很自然的长镜头画面,成功地塑造了这个地方的生趣和乡下轻快的生活形态,充满了生活的情趣。喜欢这部影片,就是从喜欢这个开头开始的。   当elizabeth收到姐姐jane由于生病而不得不滞留在尼德斐庄园的消息后,决定步行到那去看望她,影片中并没有下很大功夫细腻地刻画她在这段路上的经历,只是将镜头放在远处:空旷的村野间,刚下过雨的灰蒙天空,elizabeth的身影凝缩成一个点,和开阔的画面形成强烈对比,孤零零一棵大树枝繁叶茂,却更显得村野的寂静。人影虽小,但能很轻易看到她走路时候并不轻松,在这样一个画面下,elizabeth的坚强勇敢、对姐姐的情谊是那么显而易见。而随后到了尼德斐庄园,caroline的话也就不足为奇了:“我的天哪,看到她的裤腿摺边没?粘上了六英尺多的泥巴!她看上去好像从中世纪来的。”   当elizabeth和jane准备上马车离开尼德斐庄园时,mr.mr.darcy意外地主动扶了elizabeth,这可以从elizabeth吃惊的表情中看出来,接着,随着mr.mr.darcy快速的步伐,镜头着重拍了他的手,扶过elizabeth的手,不自然的颤动着的手。那么作为观众的我们当然就明白了,这种颤动意味着什么。这个小细节的铺垫,让之后的一切都顺理成章,当一向傲慢的mr.darcy突然向elizabeth表白时候那个镜头还一直浮现在我的脑海:他终于将这种心灵的颤动释放。   有人质疑影片中mr.darcy在大雨中向elizabeth表白的那场戏,认为那个时期的英国上流社会不可能开放到这个地步,而他们的对话也太过激烈,根本不符合他们的身份,同时这部影片中的elizabeth丧失了原著中的质朴,太过率性顽皮,甚至可以说有点野蛮。虽然我也认为这位elizabeth的扮演者keira knightley美丽有余但却多了点tomboy的味道,但对于那场大雨中的戏却非常喜欢。200年前的英国乡村或上流社会对于我们这个时代的大多数人来说都是陌生的,所以我倒不介意导演打破俗规的牵绊更淋漓尽致地表现两个主人公心中的情绪:elizabeth为姐姐失去的幸福痛苦,同时又对捣鬼的mr.darcy深恶痛绝;mr.darcy由于一直以来压抑的情感得以抒发的激动和轻松、以为理所当然地会得到回应的那种自信以及一贯的傲慢,这些澎湃的情感都伴随着倾盆的大雨毫无保留地一泻千里。两个人当时的心情,又有什么比来势汹汹地大雨更能映衬呢!在看这部影片的同时,我也看了1995年英国bbc拍摄的《傲慢与偏见》的电视剧版本,相比较之下,电视剧版本里,mr.darcy冲进elizabeth暂居的朋友的家向她表白的场景远远没有电影中那么震撼人心。所以既然这场雨淋得让观影者如此酣畅淋漓,在没有损害电影所要表达的精神实质的情况下,又有何不可呢。   整个片子的步调给我的感觉是温吞吞的,就像里面主人公的感情在大多数情况下也都是不温不火的(大雨中的那场戏当然是个例外),这到底抓住了我们这些生活在当下难得含蓄的人们的心。而唯美的英国乡村美景、如画中走出来的男女主人公、新鲜生动的生活方式和形态、幽默诙谐的对白、轻松的主题和美好的结局……这些都在很大程度上为影片增值,事实上,光是这些就足够吸引人的了。古往今来,对名著的影视改编总难受到广泛的认同,其实我觉得,既是名著,那就一定是经典中的经典,其文字作品本来就已经达到了非常的高度,而环肥燕瘦、个人的审美情趣、对原著的理解都不尽相同,存在太多的不可抗因素,所以,如果能像这部电影一样,使人有回过去那个年代的感受、能为故事的节奏同喜同悲,而不是单纯的把电影中的场景与自己心中理想的场面作比较,毕竟,我相信一百个人能拍出一百出不一样的《傲慢与偏见》。   《新傲慢与偏见》是英国导演乔•怀特的电影长片处女作,之前他主要拍摄电视剧集。由于读过原著,所以看这部影片之前我也曾产生过小小的顾虑:长达两个小时的影片包含众多出场人物,剧情的冲突及情节的展开都需要高超的调度手段,对一位第一次拍摄电影长片的导演来说,难度是理所当然的。在此我无意将电影跟原著作比较,因为将两个通过不同媒介呈现的故事作比较是不理智的,电影必然会提供更多的感官体验,而小说则更细腻。而事实上,这部影片的确很成功地将观众带回了200多年前的英国乡村,我觉得乔•怀特很擅长运用镜头的伸缩感、用如画的景物恰当地表现人物的性格和情感。   另外,从个人角度说,之所以如此喜欢这部作品,可能还因为它让我觉得在观看的同时时光仿佛逆转——200年前的别样情趣着实吸引了我。