

答案:2  悬赏:20  手机版
解决时间 2021-12-25 11:53
  • 提问者网友:我一贱你就笑
  • 2021-12-25 01:36
阅读理解 Britons stranded(搁浅)at sea or in flooded homes could find a real-life prince riding to their rescue. Prince William announced on Monday that he is to train to be a full-time pilot with the Royal Air Force's Search and Rescue Force (SARF).William, who is currently a Lieutenant(中尉)in the Army's Household Cavalry Regiment(皇家骑兵团), will transfer to the RAF and begin an 18-month training course in January 2009.If successful, he will become a fully operational Search and Rescue pilot in 2010, flying Sea King helicopters at one of the six SARF units based in Britain.The time I spent with the RAF earlier this year made me realize how much I love flying, the prince, who spent two weeks with a SARF team while on work experience in 2005, said in a statement.Joining Search and Rescue is a perfect opportunity for me to serve in the Forces operationally, while contributing to a vital part of the country's Emergency Services.It means he will follow a similar career to that of his uncle, Prince Andrew, who was a Sea King helicopter pilot during the 1982 Falklands war.The Search and Rescue teams' main duty is to recover RAF personnel but in peacetime they mainly respond to civilian emergencies, dealing with more than 1,000 calls a year.The units deal with incidents ranging from helping those trapped by sudden major floods to rescuing people lost while out walking on hills.William, who has spent the last year on secondment(借调)to the various branches of the military to prepare for his future role as head of the armed forces, received his RAF wings (飞行勋章)following a four-month stint(持续的工作)with the service earlier this year.However, his time with the RAF was clouded when the Defense Ministry was forced to fend off criticism for allowing the prince to fly military helicopters to a bachelor party for his cousin and to the family home of his girlfriend Kate Middleton.1.Prince William wanted to be a full-time pilot because _____.A.he liked flyingB.he would like to do something in the country’s Emergency ServicesC.many Britons were in danger at sea waiting for rescueD.he had much experience in flying2.According to the passage, _____.A.the Falklands war broke out in 2005B.Prince William served in the Army’s Household Cavalry Regiment in 1982C.Prince Andrew is serving in SARF nowD.William would finish his training course in June 20103.It can be inferred from the passage that______.A.the RAF is an army that rescues its soldiers during wartimeB.either Andrew or William is interested in flyingC.there are many floods happening in BritainD.the prince saving the people in danger is no longer fairy tale4.The author’s opinion on William’s joining RAF is ______.A.enthusiasticB.doubtfulC.negativeD.pessimistic5.What is the purpose of the author by mentioning what the prince had done before in the last paragraph?A.The author wants to say that Prince William pays much attention to his family and friendsB.The author suggests that the Defense Ministry was criticized when William flew for his private businessC.William had a hard time when he went against his leadersD.The author has the worry that Prince William is likely to get the Defense Ministry into trouble again.
  • 五星知识达人网友:雾月
  • 2021-12-25 02:59
BDBAD解析威廉王子热爱飞行,在皇家骑兵团服役一段时间后他将被调到皇家空军搜救队,经过18个月的培训后,参加紧急事件或灾难的救援工作。1.细节理解题。威廉王子喜欢飞行,但他认为参加搜救队对他来说是一个在空军服役的绝好的机会,因为他可以为国家的紧急救援做一点贡献。文章第五段while contributing to a vital part of the country's Emergency Services表达了威廉的心愿。2.细节理解题。文章说威廉王子将与2009年1月开始为期18个月的培训,因此结束时间当在2010年6月。3.推理判断题。安德鲁也喜欢飞行,曾驾驶飞机参加过马岛之战。文章中有所透露:It means he will follow a similar career to that of his uncle, Prince Andrew, who was a Sea King helicopter pilot during the 1982 Falklands war. 由此可以推知这叔侄俩都喜欢飞行。4.作者态度推断题。根据作者客观叙述威廉王子参加英国皇家搜救队的所作所为,以及作者文章开头的童话般的想像(Britons stranded at sea or in flooded homes could find a real-life prince riding to their rescue.),可以判断作者对于威廉的做法表示乐观。5.作者意图推断题。作者对于威廉王子的做法表示支持,但最后一段叙述及前文王子喜爱飞行的爱好给读者的印象是他是特立独行的,曾经让国防部头疼过,今后当然也不会避免再出现让国防部陷入尴尬处境的情况。
  • 1楼网友:狂恋
  • 2021-12-25 03:51