
Have you ever not wanted to do something so badly? Well,that’s how Iabout joining Madcaps,

答案:2  悬赏:10  手机版
解决时间 2021-01-04 17:18
  • 提问者网友:自食苦果
  • 2021-01-04 04:51
Have you ever not wanted to do something so badly? Well,that’s how I about joining Madcaps,a mothers and daughters’club assisting charity. ,my feeling changed finally. Now I believe if you adopt an attitude.you might just enjoying it.
Six months ago,my mom told me the club asked us to work as at Saint Vincent de Paul Homeless shelter.That meant I had to in the dirty homeless shelter for at least 20 hours.
The first lime we went there,a lady led us to the kitchen where we my five fellow Madcaps classmates- they also wore the same mark .Since I′m usually awkward, I had never talked with any of them .Worse still,my mom was asked to help outside the kitchen,leaving me totally to serve food with them. Soon large numbers of homeless families in like rushing river.A little girl,around 5 years old,walked up to me I her a sandwich. She took it and joined her family quickly.As she walked away, I she was wearing a coat.Clearly too big for her, hanging on her thin body, and couldn’t help thinking how much I had with her.It suddenly struck me that how I am.
After that moment I had a of heart Now I love Madcaps and don’t miss one meeting I have awkwardness when communicating and have many friends. And this year I am sure I will do more than the 20 hours of charity.
So that is how I have made a by doing one thing I do not want to do .If you have an open about things you can accomplish more and become a well-rounded(全面的)person.
  • 五星知识达人网友:青尢
  • 2021-01-04 06:05
(答案→)C 解析:试题分析:本文通过作者从开始的时候不愿意参加慈善事业,到后来积极参加。告诉我们真正的快乐是在帮助他人的时候,我们放开自己的心灵。【小题1】考查动词。A heard听说;B. worried担心;C. felt感觉;D. brought带来。这里指我参加Madcaps的时候的感觉。根据句意故选C。【小题2】考查连词。A otherwise否则;B. However 然而;C. Therefore因此;D. Besides除此之外。然而,我的这种感觉最终改变了。根据句意故选B。【小题3】考查形容词。A optimistic乐观的;B. accurate精确的;C. aggressive侵略的;D. passive被动的。现在我相信,如果你采取积极的态度。根据句意故选A.【小题4】考查短语辨析。A keep up保持;B. give up放弃;C. end up以……告终;D. take up占据。最终你也许会喜欢上它。根据句意故选C。【小题5】考查名词。A members成员;B. volunteers志愿者;C. friends成员;D. clerks职员。我妈妈告诉我俱乐部要求我们作为志愿者工作。根据句意故选B.【小题6】考查动词。A wander想知道;B. stay保留;C. teach教;D. serve服务。这里的serve指我给别人提供服务,给他们提供食物。故选D。【小题7】考查短语辨析。A ran into偶然遇到;B. cared about关心;C. looked for寻找;D. passed by经过。这里指作者偶然遇到5位同班同学。故选A。【小题8】考查副词。A painfully 痛苦地;B. socially社会地;C. naturally自然地; D. hopelessly无望地。这里指作者在社交方面很糟糕。根据句意故选B【小题9】考查上下文串联。根据I looked around for her but she was not there.可知我认识的那个人也不在这里,所以我是独自一人在那里。故使用alone独自,单独。故选C。【小题10】考查动词。A joined加入;B. broke打破;C. dropped 下跌;D. poured涌向。很快大量无家可归的人像河水一样涌进来。故选D。【小题11】考查动词。A awarded奖励;B. showed 显示;C. handed递交;D. bought买。一个大约5岁的小女孩走进来,我把食物递交给她。故选C。【小题12】考查动词。A discovered发现;B. guessed猜;C. suspected怀疑;D. concluded得出结论。当她走开的时候,我发现她穿着一件外套。根据句意故选A.【小题13】考查副词。A neatly整洁地;B. broadly广泛地;C. tightly紧紧地;D. loosely宽松地。干净的,但对她来说太大了,松松地吊在她瘦小的身体。根据句意故选D.【小题14】考查动词。A compared比较;B. connected连接;C. covered覆盖;D. competed竞争。这里指作者与这个小女孩相比较。可知应选A。【小题15】考查形容词。A eager急切的;B. lucky幸运的;C. calm镇定的;D. miserable苦难的。突然意识到,我自己是多么的幸运!故选B。【小题16】考查名词。A relief欣慰;B. loss损失;C. surprise惊讶;D. change改变 。这里指作者的想法有了一个很大的改变。根据句意故选D.【小题17】考查动词。A remembered记得;B. realized意识到;C. overcome克服;D. ignored忽视。这里指作者克服了自己社交不好方面的困难,有了很多朋友。故选C。【小题18】考查形容词。A allowed容许的;B. required要求的;C. included包括的;D. finished完成的 。这里指作者所做的慈善事业的时间超过了要求的20小时。根据句意故选B.【小题19】考查名词。这里考查固定短语make a difference有区别,有意义,有影响。这里指通过作者做自己不愿做的事情让自己有意义。根据句意故选A.【小题20】考查名词。A study学习;B. plan计划;C. mind想法;D. question问题。作者认为如果有一个开放的思想,就能够完成更多的事情,而成为更全面的人。根据句意故选C。
  • 1楼网友:等灯
  • 2021-01-04 06:50