
怎样用英语介绍一本书? 20分

答案:1  悬赏:80  手机版
解决时间 2021-04-04 17:23
  • 提问者网友:浪荡绅士
  • 2021-04-03 18:40
怎样用英语介绍一本书? 20分
  • 五星知识达人网友:躲不过心动
  • 2021-04-03 18:54
This is a book telling about 'skelling'. Sometimes we saw them hanging around in the streets and beside the subways, but we actually havnt known them about what they have gone through and what have made them fall into this situatio揣. Now this book will tell u from their background, setbacks they have faced, thier psychology, their present situation,and the consideration for their futute, to give a close and deeply understanding about them. Through reading this book, i just want to call for the attention of the whole society, to show some sympathy, to give away some care, and at least , never look down upon them , 'cuz we r born equal and they also deserve the so-called respect that we are bearing in our mind. thanks .
这是我自己联想的一些东西,大概的一个概述吧,不知道和你的书内容想不想关, 但是感受应该还能差不多,呵呵 希望能帮上忙,望采纳!!!
我又仔细看了一下 你写的是skellig 呵呵 我以为是skelling呢, 理解错误了, 那我就不再继续写了, 就当是发表一下我对skelling 的内心感受吧 呵呵~~~