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解决时间 2021-01-27 16:18
  • 提问者网友:疯子也有疯子的情调
  • 2021-01-27 04:02
  • 五星知识达人网友:廢物販賣機
  • 2021-01-27 04:42
For all the great things you say and do…
The best teacher's award goes to you.
As another school term approaches…
wish your days turn our to be as great as you make ours.
You are the best.
Your guidance makes me go far and do things differently.
Sending flowers to my teacher.
Your lessons are still the one that helps me.
Your words are still fresh and warm.
You've swayed my life so deeply.
You're still my best teacher.
A sweet and lovely gift to my favorite teacher.
You are a special person in our life.
We all love you, Sir!
To Sir, With Love !
Thanks for being an inspiring teacher.
You taught me to aim for success and to accept failure with courage.
Warm thoughts of love and regards to our loving teachers.
I want to be like you, when I grow up.
Your guidance makes us to achieve what we have dreamt for.
Thank you for being my teacher.
Sending great love to the greatest teacher of the world

I'm happy that you're my teacher;
I enjoy each lesson you teach.
As my role model you inspire me
To dream and to work and to reach.

With your kindness you get my attention;
Every day you are planting a seed
Of curiosity and motivation
To know and to grow and succeed.

You help me fulfill my potential;
I'm thankful for all that you've done.
I admire you each day, and I just want to say,
As a teacher, you're number one!


A Teacher for All Seasons

A teacher is like Spring,
Who nurtures new green sprouts,
Encourages and leads them,
Whenever they have doubts.

A teacher is like Summer,
Whose sunny temperament
Makes studying a pleasure,
Preventing discontent.

A teacher is like Fall,
With methods crisp and clear,
Lessons of bright colors
And a happy atmosphere.

A teacher is like Winter,
While it’s snowing hard outside,
Keeping students comfortable,
As a warm and helpful guide.

Teacher, you do all these things,
With a pleasant attitude;
You’re a teacher for all seasons,
And you have my gratitude!

  • 1楼网友:孤独的牧羊人
  • 2021-01-27 05:42
i board the ferry boatman sent ferry boat, students embark on the journey. teachers like the spring rain, i opened the treasure-house of knowledge. flower bud after another split master, excavated seedlings unforgettable time. the teacher is the gardener garden, is not only dedicated mercenary. i sweat a gardener watering the ideal long-term blueprint for our painted. extraordinary in your great, hard working and groom when philosophy. carefully carved out the better your soul, and chalk to draw out the truth. life is beautiful piece of poetry, how can we forget tutors paved road. not your selfless dedication, wisdom, how can a civilized person instead of at the beginning of ignorance? i hope the world echoing melody of youth, the growth of students is to read music notes. we are the future pillars of the motherland, you give us the teaching of multiplication and division addition and subtraction. now you have dyed hair on the temples cream, which remains stable with horse yuehe v hoe 渡口船工送我登小船摆渡, 莘莘学子踏上征途。 老师又像那春风雨露, 给我打开了知识的宝库。 花儿朵朵绽蕾有主, 难忘的时光幼苗出土。 老师就是花园的园丁, 只有奉献决非惟利是图。 园丁的汗水浇灌我的理想, 日积月累为我们描绘蓝图。 平凡中有你的伟大, 辛勤地耕耘又当哲理马夫。 你精心雕刻出美好心灵, 粉笔画出的真情脱颖而出。 诗意人生是一片锦绣, 怎能忘记导师们铺过的路。 没有你的无私的奉献, 文明智慧岂能代替愚昧的人之初? 希望的人间回响着青春旋律, 学子的成长就是五线谱音符。 我们是祖国未来的栋梁, 你的教导给我们加减乘除。 如今你已经鬓发染霜, 依然像老马伏枥带月荷锄