

答案:1  悬赏:30  手机版
解决时间 2021-01-23 05:10
  • 提问者网友:精神病院里
  • 2021-01-22 21:16
  • 五星知识达人网友:十年萤火照君眠
  • 2021-01-22 22:35
问题一:暴露英文怎么说 暴露 [bào lù; pù lù]
expose; reveal; bare; lay bare; unmask:例句: give away one's position;
暴露目标be exposed t伐 the light of day
暴露于光天化日之下问题二:“暴露”的英语怎么说 expose 英[?k'sp??z] 美[?k?spo?z]
vt. 揭露,揭发; 使暴露; 使遭受; 使曝光;
[例句]Lowered sea levels exposed the shallow continental shelf beneath the Bering Sea
[其他] 第三人称单数:exposes 现在分词:exposing 过去式:exposed过去分词:exposed问题三:衣着暴露用英语怎么说? 我明白了,就是露得太多。
Jessica: Exactly. You can also say someone is scantily clad. Scantily is spelt S-C-A-N-T-I-L-Y, 意思是少,不够;clad is spelt C-L-A-D, 意思是穿衣服。
Jesica: Yes! For example, you can say girls who are scantily clad when they go out in the cold weather are at higher risk of getting sick.
WQ: 你是说,大冷天穿得特别少出门的女孩子更容易感冒。那当然!不过做女生就是这么辛苦,为了漂亮只能忍着。
Jessica: No! Dressed to kill means wearing fancy or formal clothing. 比如说,I was dressed to kill for my interview.
WQ: 哦,我明白了! Dressed to kill 就是着装正式、抢眼。哎?你看这条西服裙行不行?It's not showing too much skin.
Jessica: I like this pencil skirt! It's perfect for the interview.
Jessica: (Pause) Hmm! WQ, now you're dressed to kill!
WQ: 第一,形容衣着暴露,可以用scantily clad, 或者 show too much skin;
第二,穿得正式、抢眼,是dressed to kill;
第三,西服裙是pencil skirt!
以上内容由北京启德学府编辑为您整理发布,更多综合英语资料,请您持续关注—北京启德学府问题四:不要穿着暴露 英语怎么说? 1 Do not wear too revealing
2He does not like his girlfriend dress too revealing饥3Girl clothes always exposed..
4He does not like girls heavy makeup
5He does not like too lazy, do not do housework, not cooking girl
6He does not like to cook, do not do housework问题五:“暴露的“英文怎么讲 The movie contains too much exposed scenes and is not suitable fo罚 youngsters.问题六:穿着暴露 英语怎么说 revealing-clothing问题七:她穿着暴露 英语怎么说? scantily clad 衣不蔽体的,形容词
1 She is a scantily clad girl.
或者She dresses scantily.
2 Jack doesn't like his girlfri恭nd dressed scantily.
Do you guys like when your Girlfriend dress with over exposed clothes?
dress sexy其实也可以,一般性感别人就会联想到了……本能吧嘿嘿。
希望回答对你有帮助问题八:"使.......暴露"的英语短语 expose oneself(v.+pron.)
1.使自己面临危险 leave oneself open to danger
▲expose oneself by v-ing
The politician exposed himself by attacking the government's plan.这位政治家攻击政府计划,使自己身临险境。
It is unwise to expose yourself by trying to perform music that is too difficult for you.演奏对自己来说太难的乐曲而使自己难堪是不明智的。
2.使自己暴露于 make oneself lay open
▲expose oneself to sth
He exposed himself to the enemy's gunfire.他把自己暴露在敌人炮火之下。
3.使自己受某人的影响 make oneself influence from sb
▲expose oneself to sth
He deep exposed himself to his parents' influence.他深受他父母亲的影响。
expose to(v.+prep.)
▲expose sb/sth to sb/sth
1.暴露于 leave sth/sb open to the effect of sth
Don't expose it to the sun.谨防日晒。
Don't expose your skin to the sun for a long time.别让皮肤长时间暴露在阳光下。
The best way to cure a burn is to expose it to the air.治疗烧伤的最好方法是把伤口暴露在空气中。
Don't expose undeveloped film to light.不要把未冲洗的胶卷暴露在光照下。
◇ 用于be ~ed结构
The soldiers in the open field were exposed to the enemy's gun-fire.旷野中的士兵遭到敌人炮火的攻击。
The gold medalist has been widely exposed to the public on television.这位金牌获得者在电视上广泛地向公众露面。
His article was exposed to the ridicule of the public.他的文章受到公众的嘲弄。
The machine is exposed to the wind and rain.这台机器经受风吹雨打。
2.公开揭露 make sth wrong to sb, usually publicly
He exposed the plot to the police.他向警察揭发这个阴谋。
His companions have threatened to expose his crimes to the police.他的同伙威胁要向警察揭发他的罪行。
We must expose this shameful activity to the newspapers.我们一定要向报社揭露这一无耻行径。...余下全文>>问题九:暴露英文怎么说 暴露 [bào lù; pù lù]
expose; reveal; bare; lay bare; unmask:例句: give away one's position;
暴露目标be exposed t伐 the light of day
暴露于光天化日之下问题十:“暴露”的英语怎么说 expose 英[?k'sp??z] 美[?k?spo?z]
vt. 揭露,揭发; 使暴露; 使遭受; 使曝光;
[例句]Lowered sea levels exposed the shallow continental shelf beneath the Bering Sea
[其他] 第三人称单数:exposes 现在分词:exposing 过去式:exposed过去分词:exposed