
会话配对。﹙共10题,计10分﹚请从B栏中选出适合A 栏的答语。A B【小题1】How was the food? A.I think Tina is more serious.【

答案:2  悬赏:70  手机版
解决时间 2021-01-04 09:22
  • 提问者网友:你给我的爱
  • 2021-01-04 00:17
请从B栏中选出适合A 栏的答语。
【小题1】How was the food? A.I think Tina is more serious.
【小题2】How much sugar do we need? B. Because it makes me feel relaxed.
【小题3】Which is more serious,Tina or Tara? C.Really? How come?
【小题4】Will there be clean air and blue sky? D.The one with shorter hair.
【小题5】Oh, which one was Lisa? E.I’m going to practice basketball really hard
【小题6】Next week is quite full for me,Jack. F.Yes, I hope so.
【小题7】Classes finish on the sixteenth. G.No,I think they finish on the fifteenth.
【小题8】Why do you like watching the talk show? H.Everything tasted really good!
【小题9】Can you hang out with me tomorrow? I.A tea spoon.
【小题10】How are you going to be a basketball player? J.Sure! Catch you then!H
  • 五星知识达人网友:第四晚心情
  • 2021-01-04 01:46
(答案→)H 解析:【小题1】结合上句How was the food?食物怎么样?可知下句应为:Everything tasted really good!味道都很好。故选H。【小题2】结合上句How much sugar do we need?我们需要多少糖?可知下句应为:A tea spoon.一勺。故选I。糖是不可数名词,要用量词,a teaspoon of suger 一勺糖。【小题3】结合上句Which is more serious,Tina or Tara?Tina和Tara谁更庄重些?可知下句应为:I think Tina is more serious.我认为Tina 更庄重。选择疑问句要选其一,故选A。【小题4】结合上句Will there be clean air and blue sky?将会有清新的空气和蓝天吗?可知下句应为:Yes, I hope so.是的,希望如此。故选F。【小题5】结合上句Oh, which one was Lisa?噢,哪个是丽莎?可知下句应为:The one with shorter hair.留短发的那个。with是介词,有,故选D。【小题6】结合上句Next week is quite full for me,Jack.杰克,下周我很忙。可知下句应为:Really? How come?真的吗,什么事?故选C。【小题7】结合上句Classes finish on the sixteenth.课在16号结束。可知下句应为:No,I think they finish on the fifteenth.不,我认为它们在15号结束。故选G。【小题8】结合上句Why do you like watching the talk show?你为什么喜欢看访谈节目?可知下句应为:Because it makes me feel relaxed.因为它让我感到放松。Why引导的特殊疑问句要用because引导的原因状语从句来回答,故选B。【小题9】结合上句Can you hang out with me tomorrow? 明天你能和我一起闲逛吗?可知下句应为:Sure! Catch you then!当然,明天见!故选J。【小题10】结合上句How are you going to be a basketball player?你将怎样成为一名篮球运动员?可知下句应为:I’m going to practice basketball really hard我要很努力地练习篮球。故选E.
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