

答案:4  悬赏:0  手机版
解决时间 2021-04-07 18:40
  • 提问者网友:浪荡绅士
  • 2021-04-07 12:16
  • 五星知识达人网友:轮獄道
  • 2021-04-07 12:23
  • 1楼网友:第四晚心情
  • 2021-04-07 15:17
  • 2楼网友:夜风逐马
  • 2021-04-07 14:08
I once loved a man She always been devotedly attached to me Her heart was so simple I only willing to accompany me life The face is so beautiful I feel sorry let me sympathy and affection More than hope to keep time So that she can always at my side Perhaps destined to be lonely for you When you have tears in their eyes that miss this life When you are farther and farther Miss it deeper into Trapped in this life for love Only for the original is too true to your heart Wait senselessly Loving this life Only a promise unfulfilled Trapped in this life for love Only for the original is too true to your heart Wait senselessly Loving this life Only a promise unfulfilled The face is so beautiful I feel sorry let me sympathy and affection More than hope to keep time So that she can always at my side Perhaps destined to be lonely for you When you have tears in their eyes that miss this life When you are farther and farther Miss it deeper into Trapped in this life for love Only for the original is too true to your heart Wait senselessly Loving this life Only a promise unfulfilled Trapped in this life for love Only for the original is too true to your heart Wait senselessly Loving this life Only a promise unfulfilled Trapped in this life for love Only for the original is too true to your heart Wait senselessly Loving this life Only a promise unfulfilled Trapped in this life for love Wait senselessly Loving this life Only a promise unfulfilled
  • 3楼网友:猎心人
  • 2021-04-07 12:57
<p>筱筱:</p>  <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 马上就要分别了,我遇见你是今生最大的美好。爱,悄然潜入我的生活,回忆与你在一起最难忘的记忆,我都是欣然微笑。</p>  <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 或者我们不能够携手同老,但是有精力这样一段美丽的高中,我已经很满足了。有一种说法,是这样说的:“痛苦与快乐。”</p>  <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 也许这句话很好地概括了我的心境,在爱情的道路上,谁没有伤害过吗?谁没有遭受了吗?谁现在是不是依然在承受当初分手的那份痛呢,或许你可以忘却了。因为人生还很长,你还有太多的时间去探索未来。</p>  <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 有时候我一个人不开心的时候回去海边静静地看海,看着海鸥自由地飞翔在蓝天上,我真是好生羡慕。我渴望自由,而现实当中并不存在真正的自由。我渴望美好,可是美好之后往往伴随着心痛与悲伤。</p>  <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 我很知道你跟我在一起是否快乐,我有时候看着你愁眉苦脸,我知道你是还为那曾经的记忆而伤心。看着有时候你躲起来一个人默默哭泣,我不知道是否该去打扰,是否该为你擦干泪水,是否应该表现得像一个合格的现任男朋友那般。</p>  <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 或许,我也只是你人生道路上的过客,可我真挚地想给你留下一些美好。</p>  <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ————写于五月,我们面临离别的季节。</p>  <p>优美情书阅读: <a href="http://wenwen.soso.com/z/urlalertpage.e?sp=shttp%3a%2f%2fwww.mylove123.com%2flove%2f" target="_blank">http://www.mylove123.com/love/</a></p>  <p>情书</p>