
The next time your face turns red after tripping(绊倒) over your own feet in public, don’t t

答案:2  悬赏:0  手机版
解决时间 2021-04-07 23:11
  • 提问者网友:战魂
  • 2021-04-07 10:34
The next time your face turns red after tripping(绊倒) over your own feet in public, don’t try to hide it—a new study finds that showing your embarrassment actually makes other people view you as more reliable.
Researchers at the University of California have carried out the study and found that embarrassment is a good signature of a person to whom you can entrust valuable resources.
Not only are the findings useful for people seeking cooperative and reliable team members and business partners, but they also make for helpful dating advice.“Moderate(适度的) levels of embarrassment are signs of virtue. Our data suggests embarrassment is a good thing, not something you should fight.”said Matthew Feinberg, who led the study.
While the most typical gesture of embarrassment is a downward gaze to one side while partly covering the face, a person who feels shame, as distinguished(区别) from embarrassment, will typically cover the whole face, Feinberg said.
The results were got from a series of experiments. In the first experiment, 60 college students were videotaped describing embarrassing moments, such as making incorrect assumptions(假想) based on appearances. The college students also participated in the “Dictator Game” which is used in economics research to measure altruism(利己主义). For example, each was given 10 raffle tickets(奖券) and asked to keep a share of the tickets and give the reminder(提示物) to a partner.
The findings, published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, showed that those who showed greater levels of embarrassment tended to give away more of their raffle tickets, indicating(﹦showing) greater generosity.
【小题1】According to the passage, which of the following is thought to be reliable?A.A person who feels shame.B.A person who hides his embarrassment.C.A person who shows his embarrassment.D.A person who gives away more raffle tickets.【小题2】We can infer from Paragraph 3 that .A.it’s useless to fight our embarrassmentB.people should try to overcome their embarrassmentC.embarrassed people are not good at doing businessD.people who show embarrassment can be good business partners【小题3】The “Dictator Game ” is used to . A.measure the students’ economic statusB.test whether a student is generous or notC.determine the different levels of embarrassmentD.record how each student reacts during embarrassing moments【小题4】We learn from the last paragraph that those who showed greater levels of embarrassment .A.proved to be more generousB.kept more of the raffle ticketsC.didn’t care for raffle ticketsD.were less reliableC
  • 五星知识达人网友:鱼芗
  • 2021-04-07 12:03
(答案→)C 解析:下次在公共场合跌倒脸红的号死后,不要试图隐藏它--一项新的研究发现,向他人展示你的尴尬情形,会使他人认为你更可靠。【小题1】细节理解题。由第一段“showing your embarrassment actually makes other people view you as more reliable.”可知,表现出难堪的人会让人觉得值得信任。故选C。【小题2】推理判断题。由第三段可知,表现出尴尬的人会让人觉得值得信任,这一发现对那些想寻找具有合作精神、可靠的团队成员或商业合作伙伴的人有用,故可推知表现出难堪的人能够成为很好的合作伙伴,所以D项正确。故选D。【小题3】细节理解题。由倒数第二段可知,这个游戏测试的是人的利他主义,即是否慷慨。故选B。【小题4】细节理解题。由最后一段可知,表现出更为难堪的人会把更多的奖券送给别人,说明他们更加慷慨大方。故选A。
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  • 2021-04-07 13:00