
96黄金一代,有多少人被这首《The Nights》唱哭了

答案:2  悬赏:80  手机版
解决时间 2021-02-18 02:41
  • 提问者网友:寂寞撕碎了回忆
  • 2021-02-17 23:34
96黄金一代,有多少人被这首《The Nights》唱哭了
  • 五星知识达人网友:北城痞子
  • 2021-02-17 23:43
在纳什退役之后,仍在NBA联盟里奋战的96黄金一代新秀就只剩科比一人。属于96新秀的时代已经过去了,但是正如 The Nights 唱的那样,
When thunder clouds start pouring down
Light a fire they can't put out
Carve your name into those shinning stars
These are the nights that never die
  • 1楼网友:不甚了了
  • 2021-02-18 00:46
伴随着年少,我们看着这些人在球场上肆无忌惮地的奔跑! 如今,我们只能看到科比在替补席养伤观战、马布里在我们身边夺冠! nba最前线中的一曲《the nights》让我们这些已步入而立的成年人无比想念那些同样肆无忌惮的日子…… hey, once upon a younger year 嘿 还年少时 when all our shadows disappeared 我们所有的掩饰都消逝 the animals inside came out to play 尽情释放内心的狂野 hey, went face to face with all our fears 嘿 当我们直面恐惧时 learned our lessons through the tears 从眼泪中汲取教训 made memories we knew would never fade 深知这些回忆是我们抹不去的曾经 one day my father-he told me, 有一天父亲对我说 "son, don't let it slip away." 孩子 别让这时光溜走 he took me in his arms, i heard him say, 他将我拥入他怀中 我听到他说 "when you get older 当你长大后 your wild heart will live for younger days 你狂野的内心会伴你度过这青葱年华 think of me if ever you're afraid." 如果你害怕就想想我说的话 he said, "one day you'll leave this world behind 他说 总有一天 你将会离开这个世界 so live a life you will remember." 就活出你的人生 这回忆值得你铭记 my father told me when i was just a child 父亲对我说这些时我还只是个孩子 these are the nights that never die 这些夜晚永远不会逝去 my father told me 父亲对我说 when thunder clouds start pouring down 当风暴乌云席卷而来 light a fire they can't put out 点燃无法熄灭的火焰 carve your name into those shining stars 将你的名字刻入那闪耀的繁星中 he said, "go venture far beyond these shores. 他说 离开海岸 去远方冒险吧 don't forsake this life of yours. 永远不要放弃你的人生 i'll guide you home no matter where you are." 无论你身处何处我都会指引你回家 one day my father-he told me, 有一天父亲对我说 "son, don't let it slip away." 孩子 别让这时光溜走 when i was just a kid i heard him say, 我还是个孩子时 我听到他说 "when you get older 当你长大后 your wild heart will live for younger days 你狂野的内心会伴你度过这青葱年华 think of me if ever you're afraid." 如果你害怕就想想我说的话 he said, "one day you'll leave this world behind 他说 总有一天你将会离开这个世界 so live a life you will remember." 就活出你的人生 这回忆值得你铭记 my father told me when i was just a child 我还只是个孩子时父亲就对我说了这些话 these are the nights that never die 这些夜晚永远不会逝去 my father told me 我的父亲对我说 these are the nights that never die 这些夜晚永远不会逝去 my father told me 我的父亲对我说 hey, hey 嘿 嘿 my father told me 我的父亲对我说