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纯手译, 个别地方可能翻译欠佳,供楼主参考。

Mechanical damage to soybean seed during processing

The effect of seed cleaning and handling on soybean seed germination and physical integrity were
determined with changing seed moisture content (m:c:).

In addition, storage behavior of seed and loss of
storability caused by damage resulting from free-fall from different heights were determined.
另外, 种子存储方式以及可存储性由从不同高度下落造成的损坏所决定。

Six lots of the variety‘‘MA CS-13’’ at three different m:c:’s were passed through a vertical bucket elevator, cleaner with grader, and gravity separator and evaluated for mechanical damage, germination, and vigor index. The storage behavior of the lots, at different stages of processing, was studied by performing an accelerated aging test.
六批有三个不同含水量的 MA CS-13, 经过垂直的链斗升降机, 带有分级机的清洁机,重力分离机, 然后按照机械损伤、发芽状况以及种子活力评估。这批的存储方式在不同阶段的处理上有意的执行了一个加速老化试验。

The effect of free-fall on quality of the seed was studied by dropping six seed lots from four different heights on to cement and galvanized iron floors.

The vertical bucket elevator significantly decreased germination and increased splits and seed coat
垂直链斗升降机显著地减慢了发芽, 增加了种皮的裂开及损坏。

The seed lots at 12% m:c: (dry basis ), suffered less loss in seed quality than the lots at 10% or 11% m:c: The storage quality of seed, as predicted by the accelerated aging test, at 12% m.c. was also better than the lots at 10% or 11% m:c: A free-fall of soybean seed from different heights on to the cement floor resulted in greater loss in qualitythan when dropped on to the galvanized iron floor.

含水量在12%的那批(折干计算)种子,质量损失比含水量在10%和11%的种子少。 种子存储质量, 按照加速老化试验所预测的, 含水量为12%的种子比10%及11%都都要更好一些。黄豆种子从不同高度自由下落到水泥地上所造成的质量损失要比电镀铁板上的大。

2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
2002 Elsevier科技有限公司保持所有权利。

Keywords: Soybean; Processing; Mechanical damage; Germination; Moisture content
关键词: 黄豆, 处理, 机械损伤, 发芽, 含水量。

1. Introduction
Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) is a protein- and oil-rich legume. It contains 40% protein and
20% oil along with calcium, iron, carotene, thiamine, and ascorbic acid. According to the ancient
written record of China, it was cultivated as early as 2000 BC (Probst and Judd, 1973). Its spread

1. 介绍
黄豆是一种富含蛋白质和油的豆类。它含有40%的蛋白质, 20%的油, 以及钙, 铁, 胡萝卜素,维生素b1, 抗坏血酸维生素C。 依照中国古代记录, 公元前2000年人们就开始种植它了。

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Tel.: +1-204-474-6033; fax: +1-204-474-7512.
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E-mail address: digvir jayas@umanitoba.ca (D.S.Jayas).邮箱
0022-474X/02/$ - see front matter r 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
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