

答案:2  悬赏:10  手机版
解决时间 2021-11-28 07:43
  • 提问者网友:沉默菋噵
  • 2021-11-27 19:40
完形填空 This economy has really got a lot of people moving and not always by a choice they wanted to make. My wife and I now find ourselves among those unfortunates feeling that 1 . At the end of last year, our customers just 2. We had to make the painful decision to3our office and put our house up for 4. We haven’t lived in it for two years yet and expected it would be the 5one for a long time. How6this world economic mess is changing our lives!As I get older, I find moving less adventurous and more 7. This time, we’re in the process of moving without knowing where we’118next. Job searching has been thrown into the quagmire(困境) of an unsettled life. Both my wife and I had been feeling pretty 9from all this. I’ve been challenged to find the positive in all this down that’s 10us.But then it happened while I watched my wife 11things up. She’s an absolute whiz(能手) when it comes to packing. I took delight in watching her 12just the right boxes for 13in front of her and filling in the 14with pillows and towels. I began feeling something like a wind lift me up and sail me through my own15of the packing and loading. Some friends will be helping us with the 16. I’ve told them that they’re not 17friends but gaining some new vacation spots. I have 18that we’11 get through this transition finally. We all will always have work to do, by choice or 19, and we can also consciously make the effort to create a sense of 20in a new place.1.A.pressureB.pleasureC.heatD.chance2.A.stayed upB.turned upC.dried upD.came up3.A.openB.closeC.visitD.paint4.A.helpB.comparisonC.decorationD.sale5.A.lastB.nextC.onlyD.special6.A.littleB.quicklyC.frequentlyD.well7.A.dangerousB.commonC.stressfulD.interesting8.A.returnB.arriveC.studyD.prepare9.A.relaxedB.excitedC.ashamedD.depressed10.A.improvingB.encouragingC.beatingD.killing11.A.packingB.washingC.pullingD.dividing12.A.bring upB.keep upC.size upD.set up13.A.othersB.nothingC.anotherD.everything14.A.carsB.gapsC.tanksD.holes15.A.boatB.shareC.wishD.promise16.A.settlingB.cookingC.cleaningD.moving17.A.valuingB.losingC.invitingD.making18.A.ideaB.faithC.feelingD.opinion19.A.otherwiseB.indeedC.worseD.rather20.A.panicB.connectionC.humorD.home
  • 五星知识达人网友:詩光轨車
  • 2019-12-11 07:17
ACBDA BCBDC ACDBB DBBAD解析文章讲述的是作者由于经济危机,全家被迫买房搬家,比较困难,压抑。后来看到妻子的工作,受到启发,坚信以后一定会好转。1.考查上下文。因为上一句讲到现在的经济状况让很多人行动起来了,这不是他们自愿选择的,说明他们是由于经济压力才这样的,所以我和我的妻子也是这些不幸的人中的一份子,感受到了这种压力。2.考查词组辨析。Stay up 熬夜 turn up出现 dry up干涸,减少 come up发生 句意为去年年底,我们的顾客减少了。3.上下文,因为顾客减少了所以要把公司的办公室/办事处关闭了,4.考查上下文。公司关闭了,房子出售了。For sale 出售5.句意理解。意为我们还没有在这房子里住满两年,并且估计以后也不会在一所房子里住时间长了(这是最后一所住这么长时间的房子了6.考查上下文,根据上一句,不会在一所房子里住时间长,可知经济危机快速地影响着我们的生活7.上下文,根据后文可知作者情况并没有好转,因此是感到有压力8.这次我们已经处于不知道下次会到哪里去的搬家的过程中了。所以选择arrive指到达哪里9.上下文。根据上一句Job searching has been thrown into the quagmire(困境) of an unsettled life.可知,作者处于困境之中,所以会感到沮丧。10.句意理解。find the positive in all this down that’s us从中可知,此处填的动词是all this down 萧条,经济危机对我的影响,AB明显不符合题意,D过分夸张,C,beat指打击,挫败。11.上下文。根据下一句when it comes to packing可知,12.句意理解,本句意为我很开心看着她给面前的所有的东西都挑选合适的箱子(判断出那些是适当的箱子)bring up 养育 keep up持续 set up建立13.同上14.考查名词辨析。意为在空隙中填一些垫子和毛巾。15.名词辨析。此处意为我感到有一种东西就像风一样,激励了我,帮我顺利完成我自己的那份包装和装载的任务。Share意为应当承担或者完成的份额。16.上下文,上文作者讲到一直在搬家,所以此处指的是朋友可以帮忙搬家。17.上下文理解。因为作者搬家,离开了朋友,所以对朋友说,你们没有失去我这个朋友,只是多了一些可以去旅游的地点了。18.句意理解。句意为我相信,我们最终会熬过/度过这段过渡期的19.句意理解。 不论是自己的选择还是其他方面的原因,我们总会有工作可以做的20.上下文理解。因为作者一直在搬家,所以他想最终能在新的地方创造出家的感觉。
  • 1楼网友:山有枢
  • 2020-02-04 18:24