
英语辩论赛 反方呈词 母亲妻子落水先救妻子 麻烦翻译下,用高级点的词汇 尊敬的各位,大家好,我是反

答案:1  悬赏:40  手机版
解决时间 2021-01-21 20:42
  • 提问者网友:轮囘Li巡影
  • 2021-01-20 23:01
英语辩论赛 反方呈词 母亲妻子落水先救妻子 麻烦翻译下,用高级点的词汇 尊敬的各位,大家好,我是反
  • 五星知识达人网友:摆渡翁
  • 2021-01-21 00:05
Ladies and gentlemen, good XX(早上中午还是晚上?). My name si Danni Lee, I am in the anti-side in this debate competition. I also feel honored to take part in this competition as a non-English major students. In our opinion, for "Who will you save when your mother and wife fell into the water at the same time?" this question, we will save our wife first. It is the result that after we make deep consideration, and think it is a more intelligent idea. (这里我有意见了,沉重的感情因素同样适用于妻子,而且妻子是陪你渡过人生中最多的时光的人,所以我认为不用“抛开沉重的感情因素”这句话)The reason for save the wife prior to mother is because the "needs". Maybe someone wants to query me, "you don't need your mother?". Of course, we need mother. Nonetheless, my wife is a young life. My children need their mother to take care of them. I need my wife to stay with me for the rest of my life. My wife's parents also need she to support them when them getting older. My wife's life is not only for these people who around she. The society need a young life to dedicated to it as well. There is a phrase "The most regrettable part in the flowers‘s life is it no even has time to give the world a balmy breath,then dead as a bud." We are grieved for cannot save our mother in the first time, but you know how poor are those children who lost the maternal love! I can't imagine my chidrens burst into tears and ask me “ Where is my mon?". Therefore, we have to make a decision that is save my wife first.