
Sports are full of wonderful moments, but perhaps36 is as exciting as the finish of the ma

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解决时间 2021-03-23 02:33
  • 提问者网友:贪了杯
  • 2021-03-22 17:45
Sports are full of wonderful moments, but perhaps 36 is as exciting as the finish of the marathon. It is the longest, hardest 37 of all. The name “marathon” comes from a village in 38 . A famous battle was 39 there in the year 490 BC. When the Greeks had beaten the Persians, a soldier 40 all the way 41 Marathon to Athens, more than 40 kilometers to 42 people the good 43 . When the modern Olympic Games 44 in 1896, the organizers knew this 45 . The marathon has been a race 46 that time.
In the ancient world the Olympic Games were held 47 four years of 1000 years. They were an important part of life. In the 48 Games we try to copy their 49 . The finest sportsmen in the world are collected in one place 50 at least the finest “amateurs(业余爱好者 ) ” are. An amateur is someone who does not earn 51 money from sport. It is often difficult to say who is an amateur and who is not. It is 52 that Olympic athletes do not earn large amounts of money like professional (职业的)sportsmen. But Olympic athletes are often students or teachers of a 53 . They have to 54 a lot of time training. Their governments pay for their training travel and pocket money, 55 they want them to win. Some people think this changes the Olympics. They feel that the Games are now a political marathon.
【小题1】A.somethingB.everythingC.anythingD.nothing【小题2】A.runB.raceC.gameD.match【小题3】A.GreeceB.EnglandC.AmericaD.France【小题4】A.broken outB.foughtC.happenedD.taken place【小题5】A.wentB.droveC.ranD.walked【小题6】A.inB.ofC.withD.from【小题7】A.tellB.sayC.talkD.show【小题8】A.storyB.filmC.resultD.news【小题9】A.heldB.broke outC.hadD.started【小题10】A.newsB.soldierC.storyD.race【小题11】A.atB.fromC.afterD.since【小题12】A.inB.eachC.everyD.after【小题13】A.modernB.excitingC.interestingD.important【小题14】A.plansB.diariesC.ideasD.programs【小题15】A.andB.butC.whereD.or【小题16】A.someB.anyC.a littleD.much【小题17】A.trueB.falseC.a lieD.interesting【小题18】A.countryB.lessonC.gameD.sport【小题19】A.useB.takeC.spendD.cost【小题20】A.asB.becauseC.sinceD.ifD
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(答案→)D 解析:本文介绍了奥运会的历史,马拉松的来历和现代奥运会的一些信息,作者认为现在的马拉松成为政治的马拉松。【小题1】考查不定代词:A. something某个东西B. everything一切C. anything任何东西 D. nothing没有什么,但没有什么运动能像完成马拉松一样的令人兴奋。选D。【小题2】考查名词:A. run跑步B. race赛跑C. game比赛D. match比赛,它是所有运动中最长,最困难的比赛(指赛跑)。选B。【小题3】考查国名A. Greece 希腊B. England英国C. America美国D. France法国,马拉松的名字来源于希腊的一个村庄。选A。【小题4】考查词组:A. broken out爆发B. fought斗争,打仗C. happened发生D. taken place发生,一场著名的战役在这打响。选B。【小题5】考查动词:A. went去B. drove驾驶C. ran 跑D. walked走,一个士兵从马拉松跑到了雅典-选C。【小题6】考查介词:from…to…,从马拉松到希腊。选D。【小题7】考查动词:A. tell辨别,告诉B. say说C. talk谈话D. show展示,来告诉人们这个好消息。选A。【小题8】考查名词:A. story故事B. film电影C. result 结果D. news消息,解析同上题。选D。【小题9】考查动词:A. held持有B. broke out爆发C. had有D. started开始,当现代奥林匹克运动开始时,选D。【小题10】考查名词:A. news消息B. soldier士兵C. story故事D. race比赛,组织者知道了这个故事。选C【小题11】考查介词:从那时起,马拉松成为了比赛项目。选D. since【小题12】考查词组:每四年every four years古代奥林匹克每四年举行一次。选C。【小题13】考查形容词:A. modern 现代的B. exciting令人兴奋的,C. interesting有趣的,D. important重要的,在现代运动中,我们试着承袭这样的想法。选A。【小题14】考查名词:A. plans计划B. diaries日记C. ideas主意D. programs计划,我们试着承袭这样的想法。选C。【小题15】考查连词:句意:在一个地方挑选最优秀的运动员-或者至少是最优秀的业余选手。Or或者,选D. 【小题16】考查形容词:A. some一些,用于肯定句B. any一些,用于疑问或否定C. a little 一点D. much很多,业余爱好者是那些不从比赛中赚钱的人。否定句用any,选B。【小题17】考查形容词:A. true真实的B. false假的C. a lie谎言 D. interesting有趣的,事实是,奥林匹克的运动员不会像专业运动员一样赚很多的钱。It’s true that…,选A。【小题18】考查名词:A. country国家 B. lesson功课C. game比赛D. sport运动,但是奥林匹克运动员通常都是一种运动的学生或老师.。选D。【小题19】考查动词:A. use使用B. take拿C. spend花费D. cost值,他们花很多时间来训练。选C。【小题20】考查连词:政府支付他们的训练,旅行及“零花钱”,强调原因的是用because。因为希望他们能赢。选B
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