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解决时间 2021-01-29 21:47
  • 提问者网友:沦陷
  • 2021-01-29 18:14
  • 五星知识达人网友:执傲
  • 2021-01-29 19:06
Water is the spirit of Jiuzhaigou, and Haizi (lake) of Jiuzhaigou is more characteristic. The lake water is blue and clear all the year round, and shows different tones and water charm with the change of light and the passage of seasons.
Beautiful, exquisite and exquisite; vigorous, blue waves do not incline; calm, attractive, whenever the wind is calm, blue sky, white clouds, distant mountains, near trees, reflecting the lake.

Jiuzhaigou is the world of water and also the kingdom of waterfalls. There is Noirang Falls, which is the largest in the country in width. It falls suddenly on the high emerald rocks, like a huge curtain flying down in the sky, magnificent and magnificent.
Some waterfalls roar over the rocks and fall over them for several times, forming a cascade of waterfalls, like a group of silver dragons leaping unexpectedly, sounding like snow, spattering numerous small droplets, turning into confused water mist.

Known as the third of the six in Jiuzhaigou, the colorful forest covers more than half of the area of the scenic spot, more than 2,000 species of plants, fighting for beauty, and exotic flowers and plants in the forest.
Colorful, bathed in the hazy mist of the leftover plants, dark green, mysterious and unpredictable, the woodland is covered with thick moss, scattered with the feathers of birds and animals.

Jiuzhaigou Mountain is tall and straight with snow-capped peaks in winter. The ice bucket under the bright sun makes people dizzy. On Mount Garner, you can see the mountains from a far distance. The mountains are rolling and the valleys are deep.
The sky is full of stars and stars. The sea of clouds and clouds stretches through the sky. The waves surge and the peaks and peaks appear from time to time.
The blue ice waterfall in Jiuzhaigou National Nature Reserve, with its steep rock wall hanging huge natural ice carvings, blue as clear, from shallow to deep, clear and beautiful.
Giant icicles, ice hockey, ice hanging and ice mantle, together with the dazzling ice crystal world to build a blue and clear water resort.
  • 1楼网友:往事埋风中
  • 2021-01-29 21:54
Jiuzhaigou Travel Guide Located in the north of Sichuan Province, Jiuzhaigou County (previously known as Nanping County until being renamed in 1998) is part of the Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture. Since the opening of the Jiuzhaigou Valley Scenic and Historic Interest Area in 1984, visitors have flocked to the region year by year, and the prosperous tourist industry now accounts for a large proportion of local revenue. Lying on the highest tableland in the world between the Sichuan Basin and the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, Jiuzhaigou Valley covers altitudes ranging from 2,000 meters (656,168 feet) to about 4,300 meters (14,107,612 feet). With its large number of lake groups, waterfalls and rich variety of endangered plants and fauna, Jiuzhaigou was awarded the status of UNESCO Man and Biosphere Reserve in 1997 and was also recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1992. The reserve has received a string of other titles including that of a National Geological Park, a AAAA Class Scenic Spot in China and a Green Globe 21. With some of the most beautiful and inspiring scenery on earth and some of the reserves scenic spots considered holy by the local Tibetan and Qiang people, it is no wonder a number of mysterious legends surround the wonderful landscape of Jiuzhaigou. Many people are drawn to the area for these reasons, and with the park open all year round the authorities have ensured that the fragile environment is sufficiently protected with a range of comprehensive tourist facilities. In previous years it had been difficult for visitors to get to Jiuzhaigou due to its isolated location, however this is no longer a concern due to the construction of the Jiuzhaigou Ring Way which links the reserve with Chengdu and the Jiuhuang Airport, and has made gaining access to the park a great deal easier. Today most visitors transfer at Chengdu onto long-distance buses or flights going to Jiuzhaigou. The route on the ring way passes through a number of attractions and is surrounded by beautiful natural scenery, providing many a distraction for anyone making the journey. The route offers opportunities to enjoy the great Dujiangyan Irrigation Project, the beautiful Mt.Siguniangshan (Four Maiden's Mountain) Scenic Area and another of the world's most naturally stunning locations - the Huanglong Scenic and Historic Interest Area. Historically, Jiuzhaigou has been home to small population of Tibetan and Qing people, and provides a good opportunity to get to know more about the locals' unique life and culture. The highlight of any trip to these areas are special performances laid on by the Tibetan and Qiang people which are also a popular form of nightlife in Jiuzhaigou. Moreover, trying some of the typical local foods and picking up a number of the reasonably-priced, locally-produced goods of the Tibetan and Qiang groups are something of a must on your trip. Jiuzhaigou has been blessed with some of the most captivating landscapes on earth and words simply do not do it justice, and so you are encouraged to visit at the earliest opportunity.
  • 2楼网友:十年萤火照君眠
  • 2021-01-29 21:29
Jiuzhaigou by the primitive ecological environment, the spotless crisp air and the snowy mountain, the forest, the lake combines wonderful, singularly varied, the serene and beautiful natural scenery, the appearance “natural America, the beautiful nature”, by the reputation is “the fairy tale world”, “the world fairyland”.Jiuzhaigou's peak, the color forest, the green jade sea, fold the waterfall and the Tibetan national minority character and style are been called “the five-character jue”.Jiuzhaigou is located south central pa Tibetan national minority Qiang national minority autonomous prefecture Naping County, the depth more than 40 kilometers, the total area more than 60,000 hectares, three main ditches form the Y shape distribution, the total length amount to 60 kilometers.Because the transportation is inconvenient, here has nearly become a secluded from the world place.Some nine Tibetan national minority stockaded village is only situated in this piece of high mountain ridge, Jiuzhaigou therefore acquires fame.Here preserves is having the primitive style natural scenery, has own special landscape. Jiuzhaigou landscape distributes in Cheng Yxing the tree, the date then, looks up in the hollow 3 main ditches, total length 50 kilometers.Mainly has the tree scenic area, the long 75 kilometers, have the bonsai beach, the tree group sea, the tree waterfall, double Longhai, fire Huahai, lie scenic spot compositions and so on Longhai; Then the date the ditch scenic area, has the promise date brightly, the pearl beach, the high waterfall three big waterfalls, has scenic spots and so on mirror sea, panda sea, fragrant grass sea, swan sea, sword crag, virgin forest, waterfall, five Huahai; Then Zha Wagou the scenic area, has scenic spots and so on length 75 kilometer Changhai and five pools of color; Grips like the scenic area, has the devil crag, grips like scenic spots and so on temple. Jiuzhaigou four seasons scenery extremely is all enchanting.When spring a shoot green, the waterfall flows livelily; The summer comes the shade to encircle the lake, the hawk flies the swallow dance; Fall to red leaves shop mountain, color forest everywhere; The winter comes the snow to bind the mountain range, ices the waterfall like jade. Has an excellent destination in addition south Jiuzhaigou: Huanglong.Huanglong is located east the Sungpan county annals in the Huanglong ditch approximately 35 kilometers place, Huanglong's strange scenery.Enable it to have " the Huanglong world certainly " laudatory name. 九寨沟以原始的生态环境,一尘不染的清新空气和雪山、森林、湖泊组合成神妙、奇幻、幽美的自然风光,显现“自然的美,美的自然”,被誉为“童话世界”、“人间仙境”。九寨沟的高峰、彩林、翠海、叠瀑和藏族风情被称为“五绝”。九寨沟位于阿坝藏族羌族自治州南坪县中南部,纵深40多公里,总面积6万多公顷,三条主沟形成Y形分布,总长达60余公里。由于交通不便,这里几乎成了一个与世隔绝的地方。仅有九个藏族村寨坐落在这片崇山峻岭之中,九寨沟因此得名。这里保存着具有原始风貌的自然景色,有着自己的特殊景观。 九寨沟景观分布在成Y型的树正、日则、则查洼3条主沟内,总长50余公里。主要有树正景区,长75公里,有盆景滩、树正群海、树正瀑布、双龙海、火花海、卧龙海等景点组成;日则沟景区,有诺日朗、珍珠滩、高瀑布三大瀑布,有镜海、熊猫海、芳草海、天鹅海、剑岩、原始森林、悬泉、五花海等景点;则查洼沟景区,有长75公里的长海和五彩池等景点;扎如景区,有魔鬼岩、扎如寺等景点。 九寨沟四季景色都十分迷人。春时嫩芽点绿,瀑流轻快;夏来绿荫围湖,莺飞燕舞;秋至红叶铺山,彩林满目;冬来雪裹山峦,冰瀑如玉。 在九寨沟南另有一绝妙去处:黄龙。黄龙在黄龙沟位于松潘县志东约35公里处,黄龙的奇异的景色。使它拥有"黄龙天下绝"的美称。
  • 3楼网友:不甚了了
  • 2021-01-29 20:24
Water is the spirit of Jiuzhaigou, and the lake of Jiuzhaigou is more characteristic. The lake water is blue and clear all the year round, and shows different tones and water charm with the change of light and the passage of seasons. 水,是九寨沟的精灵,而九寨沟的湖泊更具特色,湖水终年碧蓝澄澈,明丽见底,而且随着光照变化、季节推移,呈现不同的色调与水韵。 Jiuzhaigou is the world of water and also the kingdom of waterfalls. All the waterfalls rushed out of the dense forest. There is Noirang Falls, which is the largest in the country in width. It pours down on high rocks. 九寨沟是水的世界,也是瀑布王国。所有的瀑布全都从密林里狂奔出来。这里有宽度居全国之冠的诺日朗瀑布,它在高高的岩石上急泻倾挂。 扩展资料 2017年08月08日21时19分46秒在四川阿坝州九寨沟县发生7.0级地震,震中位于九寨沟核心景区西部5公里处比芒村,东距九寨沟县城永乐镇39公里、南距松潘县66公里、东北距舟曲县83公里、东南距文县85公里、西北距若尔盖县90公里,东偏北距陇南市105公里,南距成都市285公里。 九寨沟景区遭到地震破坏,部分景点和通往景区的道路受到山体滑坡的损坏,火花海和诺日朗瀑布被震坏已不复存在。 2017年地震引发的破坏较大,地震之后还发生了泥石流和山体滑坡等。随着时间的推移,这些被破坏景观会逐步修复与更新,地质运动也可以促使新的景观形成。 比如受地震影响,诺日朗瀑布产生了破坏,经人工干预后瀑布基本恢复如初,地震导致九寨沟的一个湖泊——火花海消失,但同时又产生了一个新的瀑布——双龙海瀑布。
  • 4楼网友:洒脱疯子
  • 2021-01-29 20:11
九寨沟在四川省南坪县城西45千米处,与甘肃省相接,因有九座藏族村居于其中而得名。九寨沟呈人字形,主沟叫树正沟,呈南北延伸,南高北低,向北开口,其上有两条支沟,东名则查哇沟,西名日则沟。沟谷总长约50千米。其自然风景点都集中在沟两侧。 九寨沟以原始的生态环境,一尘不染的清新空气和雪山、森林、湖泊组合成神妙、奇幻、幽美的自然风光,显现“自然的美,美的自然”,被誉为“童话世界”、“ 人间仙境”。九寨沟的高峰、彩林、翠海、叠瀑和藏族风情被称为“五绝”。沟内串珠式的分布着108个大大小小形状各异的海子,虽深过数十米,但可直视海底。因水中植物种类和湖底沉积物不同,水色各异,涟漪多彩,晨曦或夕阳下,海中之倒影,更加明净真切,步移景异,妙趣无限。 九寨沟景区面积62平方公里,现游览区面积50平方公里,以三沟一百一十八海为代表,包括五滩十二瀑,十流数十泉等水景为主景,与九寨十二峰联合组成高山河谷自然景观。九寨沟景观分布在成y型的树正、日则、则查洼3条主沟内,总长50余公里。主要有树正景区,长75公里,有盆景滩、树正群海、树正瀑布、双龙海、火花海、卧龙海等景点组成;日则沟景区,有诺日朗、珍珠滩、高瀑布三大瀑布,有镜海、熊猫海、芳草海、天鹅海、剑岩、原始森林、悬泉、五花海等景点;则查洼沟景区,有长75公里的长海和五彩池等景点;扎如景区,有魔鬼岩、扎如寺等景点。