sql="select sum(shulian) from sell where huohao='bbhd001' and zu=false"
if nowstartdate<>"" then
sql=sql&" and selldate-#"&nowstartdate&"#>=0"
end if
if nowenddate<>"" then
sql=sql&" and selldate-#"&nowenddate&"#<=0"
end if
if nowku<>"" then
sql=sql&" and id_ku="&nowku&""
end if
if nowkeyword<>"" then
sql=sql&" and (bianhao = '"&nowkeyword&"' or id_huiyuan in (select id from huiyuan where username like '%"&nowkeyword&"%') or id_login in (select id from login where username like '%"&nowkeyword&"%') or title like '%"&nowkeyword&"%' or huohao like '%"&nowkeyword&"%')"
end if
set rs_sum=conn.execute(sql)