

答案:2  悬赏:10  手机版
解决时间 2021-02-07 20:04
  • 提问者网友:战魂
  • 2021-02-06 21:02
  • 五星知识达人网友:鱼忧
  • 2021-02-06 22:17
Should Students Wear the school Uniform ? Uniform is a standard set of clothes which is worn by a group of people.But it seems that more and more people say that it may not be a must for students wearing their school uniform. People debate on this issue for many times. There are certain reasons why a student should wear uniform to go to school. School uniform is identification for students. It is a respect to the school. And also, wearing uniform can show the tidiness and discipline of the school, decrease discrimination among peers. Further more, it can save the students’ time on choosing what to wear to school. It is a place for study, not a place for fashion. Students should concentrate on their study but not their clothes. On the contrary, there are voices from the students saying that there will be more freedom wearing casual clothes. They also say that uniforms are expensive and ugly, and even some of them say that they feel shameful when they wearing those ugly clothes walking on the streets. Is that really so bad to wear uniform to school. Let’s have a deeper look at those reasons. Firstly, a uniform represents the school. A person wearing a set of uniform represents that he/she is a student. Uniform is the symbol of students. Just as a doctor wearing his white jacket, when he puts on his jacket, it means that he is a doctor. It is the same as the police, lawyers and so on. Most of the jobs and careers required employees to wear certain kind of uniform. An office manager wears a business suit. A sailor wears a set of sailor outfit. A lawyer wears a wig and a dark gown. A garbadgeman wears is special clothes. Careers which you can think of need to wear uniform to show their professionals. Students should also wear a school uniform to indicate their identity, and also show the respect to their schools. A person wears his/her uniform well to show the respect to his/her career. Therefore, a school uniform is necessary for students. Secondly, wearing a school uniform can show the unity and tidiness of the school. Many people say that there are too many rules in school. It is not easy to follow all the rules and standards of the school. This will increase the burdens of the students. I strongly disagree with this point of view. A school is a place to learn knowledge, discipline and self-control. The whole school learn the same things, wear the same set of uniform, there are no differences between students. This “burden” is shared by the whole school. The whole school is the sam
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  • 2021-02-06 23:47