

答案:6  悬赏:40  手机版
解决时间 2021-02-14 13:57
  • 提问者网友:临风不自傲
  • 2021-02-13 15:47
  • 五星知识达人网友:你可爱的野爹
  • 2021-02-13 17:22
  • 1楼网友:西岸风
  • 2021-02-13 22:36
CHINESE NEW YEAR Chinese New Year starts with the New Moon on the first day of the new year and ends on the full moon 15 days later. The 15th day of the new year is called the Lantern Festival, which is celebrated at night with lantern displays and children carrying lanterns in a parade. The Chinese calendar is based on a combination of lunar and solar movements. The lunar cycle is about 29.5 days. In order to "catch up" with the solar calendar the Chinese insert an extra month once every few years (seven years out of a 19-yearcycle). This is the same as adding an extra day on leap year. This is why, according to the solar calendar, the Chinese New Year falls on a different date each year. New Year's Eve and New Year's Day are celebrated as a family affair, a time of reunion and thanksgiving. The celebration was traditionally highlighted with a religious ceremony given in honor of Heaven and Earth, the gods of the household and the family ancestors. The sacrifice to the ancestors, the most vital of all the rituals, united the living members with those who had passed away. Departed relatives are remembered with great respect because they were responsible for laying the foundations for the fortune and glory of the family. The presence of the ancestors is acknowledged on New Year's Eve with a dinner arranged for them at the family banquet table. The spirits of the ancestors, together with the living, celebrate the onset of the New Year as one great community. The communal feast called "surrounding the stove" or weilu. It symbolizes family unity and honors the past and present generations.
  • 2楼网友:风格不统一
  • 2021-02-13 21:16
There's an old called "years" the monster, head length Angle, fierce anomaly, life in the sea. On New Year's eve will climbed out, the spitting food livestock harm thy soul. So a to New Year's eve, everyone fled to the mountains, to avoid the damage. This year, from the village to a silver whiskers elegant, eye if lang star old yourself. Midnight "years" burst into the village, is preparing to bluster, all of a sudden there was "cracking" Fried noise, the old has put on red appear in front of the "year", "year" shuddered, to flee to the sea, and the night can't into the village. This is to celebrates New Year's eve legends and the origin of firecrackers, and then after thousands of years of development, the Chinese New Year customs to accept the more abundant the.
  • 3楼网友:鱼忧
  • 2021-02-13 19:43
On September 27, 1949, new China was founded. at the first plenary session of the Chinese people's political consultative conference, it adopted the Gregorian calendar era in common use in the world and designated January 1 of the Gregorian calendar as new year's day, commonly known as the Gregorian calendar year. The first day of the first lunar month is usually around beginning of spring, so the first day of the first lunar month is designated as " Spring Festival", commonly known as the Lunar Year. In the traditional sense, the Spring Festival refers to the festival from the eighth day of the twelfth month to the fifteenth day of the first month, with New Year's Eve and the first day of the first month as the climax. 春节来历翻译: 1949年9月27日,新中国成立,在中国人民政治协商会议第一届全体会议上,通过了使用世界上通用的公历纪元,把公历的元月一日定为元旦,俗称阳历年;农历正月初一通常都在立春前后,因而把农历正月初一定为“春节”,俗称阴历年。 传统意义上的春节是指从腊月初八的腊祭或腊月二十三的祭灶,一直到正月十五,其中以除夕和正月初一为高潮。
  • 4楼网友:大漠
  • 2021-02-13 19:01
去百度文库,查看完整内容> 内容来自用户:技术员童鞋 春节的由来英文   Origin of the Spring Festival   Spring Festival is the lunar Suishou, is also our ancient traditional festivals. Ancient-off "year" is not in the twelfth lunar month on the 29th or on the 30th, but in the "wax on", that later, "Laba." Southern and Northern Dynasties later, the "wax Festival" to the end of the year. To the Republican era, the switch to Gregorian calendar was only then that the lunar year is called "Spring Festival", because the Spring Festival is generally in the "Spring," both before and after.   翻译:春节,是农历的岁首,也是我国古老的传统节日。古代过“年”不是在腊月二十九日或三十日,而是在“蜡日”,即后来的“腊八”。南北朝以后,把“蜡祭”移至岁末。到了民国时,改用阳历,才把阴历年叫“春节”,因为春节一般都在“立春”前后。   Spring Festival is China's biggest and most exciting festival of an ancient tradition. Commonly known as "Chinese New Year." According to China's Lunar New Year, the first month who started in ancient times known Mongol Yuan Chen, Yuan-cheng, Yuan Shuo, New Year's Day and so on, commonly known as New Year's Day, as well as the previous day, moving in, three new moon, three North Korea, the three began, terna
  • 5楼网友:不如潦草
  • 2021-02-13 18:24
chinese new year its origin is ancient, but many believe the word nian, which means "year", was the name of a beast that preyed on people on the eve of a new year. in one legend, the beast, nian, had the power to swallow up all the people in a village in one big bite. village people were very scared of nian. one day, an old man came to the villagers' rescue, offering to subdue nian. the old man asked nian, "i know you can swallow people, but can you swallow other beasts of prey instead of people who are by no means your worthy opponents?" nian accepted the old man's challenge and swallowed the beasts that had harassed the villagers and their farm animals for years. at the end of the legend, the old man disappeared riding off on nian. in this legend, the old man turned out to be an immortal god. in the end, nian is gone and the other beasts of prey are scared into hiding in the forests. the villagers can once again enjoy their peaceful life. the legend goes on to say before the old man left, he told the villagers to put red paper decorations on their windows and doors at each year's end in order to keep nian away. it is believed nian is afraid of the color red. the tradition of observing the conquest of nian is carried on from generation to generation. the term "guo nian", which means "survive the nian" became "celebrate the year" and the word "guo" in chinese means both "pass over" and "observe". the custom of putting up red paper and lighting firecrackers to scare away nian continues today