

答案:3  悬赏:20  手机版
解决时间 2021-03-07 03:10
  • 提问者网友:不要迷恋哥
  • 2021-03-06 18:29

  • 五星知识达人网友:想偏头吻你
  • 2021-03-06 19:21
How do you go to school ?
My home is far.Usually I go to school by bus.Sometimes I go by bike .What about you?
I usually go to school on foot. 
Where is your home ? 
My home is near the bookstore.

学生对于词汇掌握的深度与广度对他们写作的质量和描述的准确性有直接的影响。词汇量的扩展有助于写作技能的提高。可以让学生阅读一些包含有趣词汇的诗歌和故事等,让学生把他们觉得有趣有用的词汇或短语、句子摘抄下来与其他同学分享,达到趣味增加词汇量和潜意识增强语感,提高写作能力的目的。也可以进行单纯的词汇训练,一个常用词组,可以在教师的指导下要求学生用多种形式替换,以利于在写作时增加表达的丰富性。可以替换的表达有:attach great importance to... follow closely, give top priority to, see great value in, be fully committed to, take ... seriously, view ... with great concern等。从理论上讲,词汇量越大,能够通过替换造出的句子就越多。
主谓不一致和搭配不当是学生在写作练习中出现的典型错误。当主语是percentage/proportion of...时,谓语通常都是is;而当用a number of ... 做主语时,谓语则采用复数形式,有些学生常常弄错。主谓的搭配也不恰当。例句:The cell phones in the modern society have used the latest functions to promote the communication efficiency. 问题:手机不能够使用最新技术来提高沟通效率。
缺少句子成分也是常见的语法错误。例如:In the modern society has a lot of influence on the way people communicate with others.问题:In the modern society是状语成分,不能作为主语,如果想保留状语成分,那么必须要在society和has之间添加一个主语才可以。
要写出高质量的文章,只使用简单句是不够的,从句的使用则起着锦上添花的作用,而学生对于引导词的选用常常出错,如You can buy something what you like.此句包含的应该是一个定语从句,其引导词应是that, what引导的应是名词性从句,我们可写成You can buy what you like.
(1)合并句子。学生在进行写作的时候,往往会罗列出一连串的简单句,这样写出来的文章往往是句式单调乏味,缺少连贯性,结构松散,毫无生气,带有汉语思维痕迹。如:我们可以把下面二个简单句It is impossible to remove all the boxes in a few hours.The boxes have been piled up in the house. 合并为 It is impossible to remove in a few hours all the boxes piled up in the house. 合并后的句子既简洁紧凑,又符合英语表达习惯。又如:His voice is loud. Everyone in the hall can hear clearly.这两个简单句看似融合,实际上结构松散,如果将原简单句合并为复合句:His voice is so loud that it can be heard clearly by everyone in the hall.这样句子就环环相扣、紧凑有力、自然流畅。
  • 1楼网友:狂恋
  • 2021-03-06 21:03
when the sun come in room,you can see the beautiful sign,you can feel the warm from sunshine.then you eat delicious breakfast,there are bread and a cup of milk. when you go to the park,the wind swept you hair,you can see the flowers come back in spring,you can see the red flower,yellow flower,etc. the new leave stand in tree,you can see green sea! the brid fly in blue sky,you also feel the freedom!you face have sweet smile,the child run in the park,the old play taiji. in the afternoon,you can read the book in the library,you can get the knowleges from different book. you can enjoy the wonderful life.
  • 2楼网友:由着我着迷
  • 2021-03-06 20:53
The way to the school My home is near .Usually I go to school on foot, Sometimes I go to school by bike. Wu Yifan’s home is far from the school, so he goes to school by bus or by car.