
英语搞笑短片,关于IPHONE4的,求英文字幕 http://my.tv.sohu.com/us/63326546/59487837.shtml

答案:2  悬赏:0  手机版
解决时间 2021-02-22 18:37
  • 提问者网友:感性作祟
  • 2021-02-21 20:55
英语搞笑短片,关于IPHONE4的,求英文字幕 http://my.tv.sohu.com/us/63326546/59487837.shtml
  • 五星知识达人网友:上分大魔王
  • 2021-02-21 22:03
welcome to phonemart.how may i help you?
iphone 4.where is the iphone 4? i need an iphone 4
oh i'm very sorry but we are currently sold out.however we did finally get some more htc e-vol??(htc evo)
what,,what is that?is that an iphone?
no,it is that 4G phone on sprint.
if it's not an iphone,why would i want it?
well,it's similar to iphone but has a bigger screen.
i dont care.
the internet speed is around 3 times faster.
i dont care.
it has a higher resolution camera on both the front and the back.
i dont care.
and it doesnt require you could be on video chat.
i dont care
its batery is placable,as is the memory card
i dont care
it's highly ??dable,everything--from the widgets to the icons.??as video wallpaper.
i dont care.
the monthly bill is cheaper.
i dont care.
it's fucking ?? money.
i dont care
i can grant up to three wishes.even if one of those wishes is for an iphone.
i dont care.
i has an app that will build you an island and then it fucking transforms into a jet and flies you there.
i dont care
and it's mother fucking indestructable
i dont care about any of that.
ok fine.then what the hell ?? you were ?? about the iphone 4 if you dont mind me asking?
it's an iphone.
you do realise that it doesnt mean anything ,it's a brand.they could put out a fucking brick and call it an iphone if they wanted to.
yes,but it's the best phone.
can you explain how?
i can download ?? it.
big fucking deal.my 8-year-old neece's ?? mobile phone has ???
it has 3G and has the wifies
what the fuck do you know what that means?
uhh, it can,,uhh,,,
listen,i am out of the damn iphone anyway.i guess if you are fine using at&t's ?? network and dont mind paying ??? and also dont mind having a brandnew phone that's already behind the ?? ,then i can put you on our reservation list.
no,i'll just try somewhere else,i have to have it today.
are you serious? not only are you so bad stupid that you still want a advise,you are also so ??-hearted that you think you can just fucking walk into any store purchasing one launched today without pay order?
i think ,i think i need go to chop my own dick now.yes i think i will.i dont need my children growing up in a world pupulated by ?? like you.
i need my iphone 4.
holy fuck,if you dont leave i am going to fucking go find one for you and ??/? your ass.
i want one with the bigger GBs
oh god,i think i just had any ??urism. i,i am dying,are you happy? your fucking stupidity has killed me.now my god damn cat is homeless. i am no longer alive and dead.
i need the white one,hello? i need one now ,please.can you weigh the ??/doesn't ?? the case.i also need you to hook my bluetooth to it.hello , hello? fuck it, i'll go somewhere else.my sister said walgreen sells them.goodbye.
  • 1楼网友:轻熟杀无赦
  • 2021-02-21 22:35