
你好,请问下您的 PROE2001 在win7 64 位系统下,可以正常使用了吗?

答案:2  悬赏:0  手机版
解决时间 2021-01-25 22:45
  • 提问者网友:佞臣
  • 2021-01-24 22:42
你好,请问下您的 PROE2001 在win7 64 位系统下,可以正常使用了吗?
  • 五星知识达人网友:痴妹与他
  • 2021-01-24 23:43
  • 1楼网友:往事埋风中
  • 2021-01-25 00:45
bin文件夹下的proe2001.bat,在win7 64位系统下会一闪而过,当使用中断命令观察窗口时,会发现cmd窗口的提示是无法识别处理器的架构,用记事本打开proe2001.bat,会发现以下字段 if "%processor%" == "intel_64" set mc=ia64_nt if "%processor%" == "intel_486" set mc=i486_nt if "%processor%" == "mips_r4000" set mc=r4000_nt if "%processor%" == "alpha_axp" set mc=alpha_nt if "%processor_architecture%" == "ia64" set mc=ia64_nt if "%processor_architecture%" == "x86" set mc=i486_nt if "%processor_architecture%" == "mips" set mc=r4000_nt if "%processor_architecture%" == "alpha" set mc=alpha_nt if not "%winbootdir%" == "" set mc=i486_win95 if not "%mc%" == "unset" goto mc_done echo error cannot detect what machine type you have. echo please make one of the following settings: echo. echo set processor=alpha_axp - for windows nt alpha based machines. echo. echo set processor=mips_r4000 - for windows nt mips based machines. echo. echo set processor=intel_486 - for windows nt intel based machines. echo. echo set processor=intel_64 - for windows intel itanium based machines. echo. echo set winbootdir= - for windows 95/98 machines. echo. exit :mc_done 其实绝大多数都是已经被淘汰的,需要进行编辑处理,将上述字段修改为如下: if "%processor%" == "intel_64" set mc=ia64_nt if "%processor%" == "intel_486" set mc=i486_nt if "%processor_architecture%" == "ia64" set mc=ia64_nt if "%processor_architecture%" == "amd64" set mc=i486_nt if "%processor_architecture%" == "x86" set mc=i486_nt if not "%mc%" == "unset" goto mc_done echo error cannot detect what machine type you have. echo please make one of the following settings: echo. echo set processor=intel_486 - for windows nt intel based machines. echo. echo set processor=intel_64 - for windows intel itanium based machines. echo. echo set processor_architecture=amd64 - for windows amd 64 based machines. echo. exit :mc_done 就可以满足现在的电脑了。 修改完保存退出,再双击,使用了很多年的,拥有自己一整套开发快捷键,特殊按钮的, 老的掉牙确相当亲切的proe2001又回来了,赶紧加载自己的启动目录吧。 屏幕闪烁的话进入proe界面/选项/查找graphics/把值改为win32_gdi/然后确定/最后从启proe。