
It was her laughing that drew my attention. Note taking really wasn’t all that funny.Walki

答案:2  悬赏:30  手机版
解决时间 2021-12-22 04:06
  • 提问者网友:心如荒岛囚我终老
  • 2021-12-21 08:50
It was her laughing that drew my attention. Note taking really wasn’t all that funny.
Walking over to the offender (someone that does something wrong), I asked for the 36 . Frozen, she refused to give it to me. I waited, all attention in the classroom on the quiet 37 between teacher and student. When she finally 38 it over she whispered, “Okay, but I didn’t draw it.”
It was a hand-drawn 39 of me, teeth blackened and the words “I’m stupid” coming out of my mouth.
I managed to fold it up calmly. My mind, 40 , was working angrily as I struggled not to 41 . I figured I knew the two students who were most likely to draw the picture. It would do them some 42 to teach them a lesson, and maybe it was high time that I did it!
Thankfully, I was able to keep myself 43 .
When there were about six minutes remaining, I showed the class the picture. They were all silent as I told them how 44 this was for me. I told them there must be a reason 45 and now was their chance to write down anything they needed to tell me. Then I let them write silently while I sniffled(抽鼻子) in the back of the classroom.
As I 46 the notes later, many of them said something like, “I’ve got nothing against you,” or “I’m sorry you were hurt.” A number of them said, “You give us too much homework.” Some kids said, “We’re 47 of you.” But two notes, from the girls who I 48 were behind the picture, had a list of issues. I was too 49 , too strict…
Reading those notes, I realized that over the course of this year, instead of 50 my students, I had begun commanding them to 51 . Where I thought I was driving them to success I was 52 driving them away.
I had some apologizing to do. But the next day in the classroom, one boy and one girl each handed me a card. The one 53 by all the boys expressed sincere regret for the ugly joke. The one from the girls asked for 54 .
This was a lesson for both the kids and me. Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the 55 .
【小题1】A.helpB.adviceC.reasonD.note【小题2】A.conversationB.matchC.argumentD.battle【小题3】A.tookB.handedC.turnedD.thought 【小题4】A.statueB.cardC.posterD.picture【小题5】A.howeverB.otherwiseC.thereforeD.besides【小题6】A.leaveB.explainC.argueD.cry【小题7】A.favorB.harm C.good D.punishment【小题8】A.controlledB.amusedC.uninterestedD.relaxed【小题9】A.meaningfulB.hurtfulC.regretfulD.forgetful【小题10】A.asideB.behindC.belowD.above【小题11】A.readB.finishedC.wroteD.collected【小题12】A.proudB.fondC.afraidD.ashamed【小题13】A.figuredB.promisedC.concludedD.doubted【小题14】A.talkative B.thoughtful C.kind D.mean【小题15】A.forcingB.teachingC.comfortingD.encouraging【小题16】A.achieve B.apologizeC.failD.appreciate【小题17】A.normallyB.actually C.immediatelyD.generally【小题18】A.signed B.offeredC.drawn D.bought【小题19】A.thankfulnessB.pity C.forgiveness D.communication【小题20】A.friendshipB.futureC.knowledgeD.educationD
  • 五星知识达人网友:封刀令
  • 2021-12-21 08:57
(答案→)D 解析:【要点综述】一次令人不愉快的玩笑让作者意识到自己对学生的严加管教实际上背离了自己的初衷,他们需要的是鼓励,而不是命令。【小题1】D 考查名词。女孩儿咯咯的笑声吸引了作者的注意,作者认为记笔记没有那么可笑,就向“冒犯者”要“笔记”。上文的“Note-taking”是线索提示。【小题1】D 考查名词。她拒绝把笔记交给作者,作者在等待,教室中所有的目光都转向了这场师生之间的沉默的“战争”,此处是比喻用法。【小题1】B 考查动词。上文提到作者向她要笔记,所以此处是她把笔记“交”给了作者。【小题1】D 考查名词。根据上一段最后一句中的内容可知笔记本上面是学生手画的作者的“画像”。下文的“for drawing the picture”也是线索提示。【小题1】A 作者努力平静地把学生给作者画的画像折叠起来,“但是”内心却感到非常气愤。前后内容表示转折,故用however。【小题1】D 根据上一段中描述的画像的内容可知这是对作者的侮辱,所以作者看过之后努力不“哭”出来。下文的“I sniffed in the back of the classroom”是线索提示。【小题1】C 作者认为这么做太过分,教训她们一顿会对她们有些“好处”。do sb.good表示“对某人有好处”。【小题1】A 上一段的后半部分提到作者打算教训她们一顿,所以此处表示作者最终能够“控制”自己。【小题1】B 根据下一段中的“I’m sorry you were hurt.”可知这张画像深深地“伤害”了作者。meaningful意为“有意义的”;forgetful意为“健忘的”;regretful意为“懊悔的”,均不符合语境。【小题1】B 作者告诉他们画像“背后”肯定有原因。下文揭示了画像背后的原因。【小题1】A 上一段提到作者让学生写下需要对作者说的任何事情,所以此处是“阅读”学生写的内容。另外,下一段的开头部分也是线索提示。【小题1】C 由下文可知作者对学生太严厉了,所以学生应该是害怕她,故选C。【小题1】 A 此处与第四段的“ I figured…”相呼应,表示作者“认为”她们是画像背后的“真凶”。figure表示“认为,认定 (某事将发生或属实)”。【小题1】D 根据上下文可知她们认为作者过于严厉,非常“刻薄”。talkative意为“健谈的”;clumsy意为“笨拙的”;considerate意为“体贴的”,都不符合语境。【小题1】D 作者意识到今年以来,没有“鼓励”学生,而是采用了命令的方式。【小题1】A 根据下一句中的success可知作者开始采用命令的方式迫使学生“完成”。前三项分别表示“欣赏,感激”;“道歉”;“妥协”,都与下一句中的内容不符。【小题1】B 作者原以为这样会让他们成功,而“实际上”是让他们离成功越来越远。normally意为“正常地”;immediately意为“立刻”;generally意为“普遍地”,均不符合语境。【小题1】A 在有全部男生“签名”的那张卡片上他们表达了对这次令人不愉快的玩笑的真诚的后悔。【小题1】C 根据前一句中的“…expressed sincere regret for…”以及下一段第二句中的“Forgiveness does…”可知女生们请求作者的“原谅”。thankfulness意为“感激”;compensation意为“补偿”;communication意为“交流”,都不符合语境。【小题1】B 此处与本句中的the past相对,故选B项,表示“将来”。
  • 1楼网友:低音帝王
  • 2021-12-21 09:48