

答案:3  悬赏:40  手机版
解决时间 2021-12-03 09:06
  • 提问者网友:十年饮冰
  • 2021-12-03 04:06
  • 五星知识达人网友:由着我着迷
  • 2021-12-03 05:13
Zen history, a famous coach phil Jackson. He has a hobby, is to raise the orchids. In his the abbot ChanYuan, people everywhere you could see all kinds of orchid, wide variety. Pilgrims visitors came to listen to the same temple method, see full frame orchid hidden fragrance 4 excessive, quiet and beautiful GanChang, was stunning. And so, people will love the orchid Jackson called "orchid monk".

Some day, Jackson was invited to the temple that vow. Along, he will be a disciple call to him, the disciples, and said, I go to parlance, didn't come back until dark, you have to take care for me these orchid, remember to water them.

Disciple know Jackson dotes on orchids, and after he left care too carefully, to watering orchids in more extra careful. But he is a don't pay attention, and stumbled and have put a orchid shelf knocked down, the whole frame of ground orchid pass away with a roar, made of baked clay basin and broken, Mosaic is shattered. Looking at a ground residual spend the mud, and the little novice monk was terrified, don't know how to do. Jackson's other disciple see, come and help him up, and to the disciples, and said, and the dark come back, you laoshi admit it, the master is not blame you.

At night, coach phil Jackson returned to the temple, disciple to report the master during the day to happen, and he wants to master know favorite objects were destroyed and will be angry angry, so he asked the master punish oneself. Jin Dai Jackson after listen to just calm smile said, if you didn't mean it, and that something is destroyed is not a good thing, and later from will intentions, I blame you??????? I really like orchid, depending on the orchids friends. But I grow for the purpose of fragrant orchid for Buddha, beautify the temple and the public mood, not to worry: angry. A: life is fleeting, nothing is not destroy not bad, how could I clinging to life life and death? This is not our ChanMen family trait ah!

Disciple to Jackson's a teach, quickly have realized more diligently practices, finally also in the Buddhism have success
  • 1楼网友:拾荒鲤
  • 2021-12-03 06:36
I quite agree with 无翼天使2012 to interpret
  • 2楼网友:夜风逐马
  • 2021-12-03 05:34
The history of a famous Zen, Zen master.He has a hobby, is raised orchid.In his Abbot's temple, people everywhere can see a variety of orchids, variety.Visitors come to the temple to listen to the pilgrims method, to see the full frame orchid fragrance overflowing, quiet, free, can not help greatly.Thus, people will love orchid Zen monk called "orchid".

One day, he was invited to expound the texts of Buddhism temples.Before, he will be a disciple named to him, said to his disciples, I say, not return until dark, you have to take care of these orchids, remember to water them.

Disciples know he loved orchids, and after he left, very carefully, in orchid watering is very careful.But he is a careless, stumbled, and an orchid shelf down, the whole frame of orchid crashed down, being broken, the leaves of a flower.Looking at a ground flowers mud, the boy was frightened, I do not know what to do.Jackson's other disciples saw, coming over to help him up, and the disciple said, wait until dark Master returned, you just admit it, the master will not blame you.

In the evening, the Zen master returned to the temple, the master disciple to report what happened during the day, he wants to master know something you destroyed, will be angry, so he asked the master to punish yourself.Jin at Jackson after listening quietly said, since you are not intentional, and that something was not a good thing, when he would work hard, I blame you for what?I really like orchid, orchid as a friend as.But I grow orchids for the purpose of flowers for the Buddha, beautify the temple and the state of mind, not to be angry about.Impermanence of life, fleeting, nothing is immortal not bad, how can I persist in life and death?This is not our Zen style!

The disciples to listen to the Zen master some teaching, suddenly Wu, more diligent in practice, finally also in Buddhism achievement.(可以吗,望采纳)