
California, once regarded as a leader in the United States for its public higher education

答案:2  悬赏:60  手机版
解决时间 2021-01-23 15:06
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  • 2021-01-22 21:21
California, once regarded as a leader in the United States for its public higher education system, ranks next to the last in the U.S.for its number of adults with at least a high school diploma, according to the report, titled “California at the Edge of a Cliff,” released by the California Faculty Association.
Meanwhile, the state’s investment(投资) in public higher education has dropped over the past three decades, and now ranks 22nd in the country.That’s despite having the country’s largest public higher education system, the report said.
“It's a collapse(衰退),” said Thomas Mortenson, author of the report, who is an independent analyst living in Iowa and a senior scholar at the Pell Institute for the Study of Opportunity in Higher Education in Washington, D. C. “Ranking 49th out of 50 states is an indication that shows the quality of the state’s educational has become much worse in recent decades.” Mortenson said in the report.As of 2007, California ranked 14th in the United States in terms of college educated members of the workforce over 25 years of age, a drop from eighth place in 1981, the report showed.
Mortenson said that California has never been the state of high status in education and economy while other states have made greater gains in building a college-educated workforce.
The California Faculty Association is using the report’s findings to criticize Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s proposed funding cuts for education.
Struggling with a 14.8-billion-dollar state budget deficit(赤字), Schwarzenegger has proposed a combination of sales tax increases, borrowing and major budget cuts, including cutting billions of dollars from the state’s education budget.
【小题1】The passage is mainly about .A.California’s worse situation in higher educationB.the dangerous situation in CaliforniaC.California’s research on education and economyD.funding cuts for high education in California【小题2】From the passage we can infer that .A.investment in higher education has dropped in all statesB.Thomas Mortenson works at California Faculty AssociationC.governor in California agreed to spend more money on educationD.California had higher quality in higher education in the past【小题3】The reason why California has a lower rank in education is that .A.the number of adults has decreased recentlyB.the result of report has been published lateC.the money to invest in education has been cutD.the progress in other states has been made【小题4】According to the report’s findings, is to blame for the drop in rank of education.A.Arnold SchwarzeneggerB.Thomas MortensonC.the Pell InstituteD.California Faculty Association语篇解读 曾经在大学教育排行榜上位居第一的美国加州,现在的教育排名一下子跌落到倒数第二。这是怎么回事呢?A
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(答案→)A 解析:【小题1】主旨大意题。第一段说明了加州大学教育的现状,后面开始用实际的数字说明原因,所以本文的主题为A项。本文只是说明加州糟糕的教育形势不是整个局势,排除B项。本文没有介绍加州对教育和经济的研究,排除C 项。D项只是说为了经济赤字而减少教育投资,仅仅是一个侧面,故也被排除。【小题2】推理判断题。根据第一段的once regarded as a leader ing the US for its public higher education system 和第三段的 a drop from eighth place in 1981, 可知加州原来在高等教育方面有着很高的质量。 本文只是说加州高等教育投资减少了,没有提及其他的州,排除A项。根据第三段的介绍排除B项。 根据倒数第二段的Governor Arnold S,chwarzenegger’s proposed funding cuts for education.排除C 项【小题3】事实细节题 根据最后一句话including cutting billions of dollars from the state’s education budget.可知答案问C项。其他三项文中没有支持相关信息。【小题4】事实细节题。 根据最后两段可知是加州施瓦辛格通过了减少教育投资的议案, 从而导致了教育质量的大幅度滑坡。故他应该为此事受到谴责。
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