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解决时间 2021-02-23 22:14
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The Bible is a special book wch is said to be a present by God.Abraham Lincoln,as same as the other Americant presidents,was a christian,and once he spoke that the Bible is the best present for mankind from God.Why did he that?Does ts book write by the God?What tngs did it tell us?Can we read it?Can we understand it? The Bible has become the most popular book in the world.It is said that ts book was wrote by more than 0 authors during 100 years,and these people did not each other,and they wrote in different places.Some of them are fishermen,and some of them are prophets.The Bible was wrote by people's hands of couse,but the minds were from the God.Therefor,the Bible was thouth to be a divine book. Though the Bible was wrote by people with God's mind,it can be understood by people.The book contains Old testment and New testment.It told us how the world was created,what happended to the human,how God chose the Israel,and what did Jesus do when living,what the believers did for their belif,and what will happen in the future,and so on. The Bible is such a book wch gives pople hope when they are despired,light when they are in dark,console when they feel sad.翻译: 圣经是一本独特的书,被誉为是神赐的礼物。和其他的美国总统一样,亚伯拉罕 林肯是一位基督徒,他曾经说过圣经是神赐给人类最好的礼物。他为什么这样说呢?这本书是神写的吗?它告诉了我们什么?我们可以读圣经吗?我们能读懂吗? 圣经已经成为全世界最畅销的书籍。据说圣经是超过0名作者经历了100年写作完成的,而且这些人彼此并不认识,分散在不同的地方。他们中有的是渔夫,有的是预言家。当然圣经是通过人的手写成的,但是它的思想却来源于神。因此,圣经堪称是神圣的书。 虽然圣经是神的思想借助于人写成的,但是人类可以读懂它。还有一件事 目前我在学的ABC天芐欧美外教英语的老师说过,就是要学好英语是不难的;一定要拥有一个恰当的学习情境和练习口语对象,外教水平很重要 欧美人士比东南亚好很多,口语标准才可以 坚持逐日口语交流 1 on 1针对性教学才会有最.好.的进步效率;学习后同样要重复温习课堂录音档,把所学知识融会贯通;实在是真的无对象可练习的状况下 只能去 VOA或沪江获得课后材料阅读 多用耳听、眼观、嘴动、脑想 很快的语境会提高起来,学习效益是绝对迅速明显的!这本书包含了旧约和新约。它告诉我们世界是怎样被造的,人类中间发生了什么事情,神怎样拣选了以色列人,耶稣在地上生活时做了些什么,他的信徒为他们的信仰做了什么,还有将来将发生什么事情,等等。 圣经是人绝望时的希望,是人们黑暗中的光明,是人们悲伤时的安慰。时间紧张,如果还需要请留言,可以继续再写一些哈。希望我的回答可以帮助你哦我的回答你满意吗?如果帮到你,请点击下面的最佳答案哈