

答案:2  悬赏:60  手机版
解决时间 2021-01-29 19:04
  • 提问者网友:寂寞撕碎了回忆
  • 2021-01-28 23:57
  • 五星知识达人网友:逐風
  • 2021-01-29 00:32
Jurassic World:Saluting and Changing
  The new movie released on 10th June, Jurassic Worldhas grossed nearly 600 millions in China in the first week. As a bran-newseries of the classical dinosaur movie Jurassic Park, no wonder its combinationof exciting memory and shocking modern special effects could attract so manysupporters.
  Star Lord(comes from movie Guardians of the Galaxy),Chris Pratt characters this movie and trained four Velociraptors---kind ofsmall but fierce dinosaur in it. The director of original series, StevenSpielberg also superintends this new movie.The gramp would like to use the movie to recall his own youth and shakeeveryone again.
  Every sequel work would use kind of way to salute itsbefore. Jurassic World is with no exception. The interesting thing is that thenew movie only undertakes the drama of the first section of Jurassic Park. Aswe all knows, the stories of the second and the third section were settled onanother island. However, the new movie demonstrates its intention to completethe whole story happened on the original island.
  The familiar cap with telescope, T-shirts with thelogo of Jurassic Park and even the appearance of the site of original park.Those details of the movie are all used to salute the great movie which washonored as the example of using movie to demonstrate special effect.
  As a fan of the classic series, I could hardly expressmy feeling when I was watching this elaborated movie. When the familiar background music(BGM) firstly sounded with the spectacular scene of whole park andthese amazing dinosaurs which did rich my childhood appeared again on thescreen, I knew that this movie would touch many people who enjoy the fantasticworld built by Steven Allan Spielberg like me.
  What is more surprising, the movie does not only tryto satisfy returning audiences, many details try to make some new hot spot. Thegene technology is the changeless theme of the series. However, people were notcontent with the common dinosaurs anymore in Jurassic World, which becoming adifference between them and our heroes.In Jurassic World, scientists created anew kind of dinosaur(or maybe not a real kind of dinosaur), D-Rex(Diabolus Rexor Indominus Rex) to meet people`s need of freshness. The out of control ofthis powerful and high-intelligent animal becomes the basic conflict of thestory. D-Rex killed all animals it met on the island and led to the mess of thewhole park. New specie and new elements made people interested and excited,which makes the movie more popular.
  Besides, the discussion of real dinosaur is a newthink spot both in and out of the movie. If we use technology to change somenatural specie for our rights, is it still the real guy that the nature expectsit to be? The movie could be a allusion of some advanced science and ferventethical arguments. The fight between T-Rex and D-Rex could be a elaborated plotto attract more audience to think about it. And the creative team expressedtheir point of view---original one always wins.
  • 1楼网友:佘樂
  • 2021-01-29 02:06
侏罗纪世界影评: 1. 本片在北美2015年6月12日,也就是首部曲《侏罗纪公园》(1993年6月11日)上映的22年后上映,而且影片故事恰恰发生在首部曲的22年后。   2. 影片中将会出现侏罗纪公园创始人john hammond的雕像,以纪念演员理查德·阿滕伯勒爵士(曾出演《侏罗纪公园》(1993)和《侏罗纪公园2:失落的公园》(1997))。尽管他曾表示会在最新的续集中出现,但由于健康原因一直未能确定。但很可惜,他在2014年8月24日去世了。   3. 《侏罗纪公园》是克里斯·普拉特最喜爱的电影之一。他在电影上映第一天就去电影院观看了这部影片,当时他只有14岁。   4. 乐高将为影片推出主题玩具,这是克里斯·普拉特继《乐高大电影》(2014)和《银河护卫队》(2014)后第三次成为乐高人物。他的角色owen将使用与星爵一样的头部零件。   5. 阿米·汉莫,亨利·卡维尔,格伦·豪尔顿,杰森·苏戴奇斯,乔什·布洛林,约翰·卡拉辛斯基,克里斯·普拉特,杰森·斯坦森都曾被考虑作为男主角owen的演员人选,最终克里斯·普拉特得到了这个角色。   6. 本片很多演员曾在漫威改编电影中有过演出:   男主角克里斯·普拉特在《银河护卫队》中饰演星爵   女主角布莱丝·达拉斯·霍华德在《蜘蛛侠3》中饰演格温·斯黛西   泰·辛普金斯在《钢铁侠3》中饰演harley   伊尔凡·可汗在《超凡蜘蛛侠》中饰演奥斯本集团管理高层   奥玛·赛在《x战警:未来昔日》中饰演bishop   文森特·多诺费奥在剧集《夜魔侠》中饰演“金并”威尔逊·菲斯克。   7. 华裔演员黄荣亮是唯一一个回归新版续集的老版演员。他在《侏罗纪公园》(1993)饰演吴亨利博士,而这个角色在原著小说的第一部中已经死去了。   8. 在预告片中,一群迅猛龙似乎被管理员“驯服”了。这可能是吴博士的主意,在小说中他曾向馆长提议改变恐龙的dna从而使它们放慢下来并驯化它们。   9. 用鲨鱼喂食恐龙是导演colin trevorrow的点子,这个灵感来自制作人史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格的电影《大白鲨》(1975)。   10. 预告片确认了以下恐龙的亮相:剑龙(stegosaurus),迷惑龙(apatosaurus),似鸡龙(gallimimus)和伶盗龙(velociraptor)。海王龙(tylosaurus)亦有出现,但它并不是恐龙,而是属于沧龙科(mosasaur)。   11. 预告片中有一场恐龙袭击游客的戏份是在夏威夷的古兰尼牧场(kualoa ranch)拍摄的,这个地方离《侏罗纪公园》中的类似场景拍摄地只有200码的距离。   12. 影片中的陀螺球观赏车是在古兰尼牧场的ka'a'awa valley搭建的。目前它已经成为了景点中的一项游玩项目。   13. 剧组请了一群舞蹈演员饰演猛禽。他们需要戴上类似猛禽头部的自行车头盔并穿上灰色的动作捕捉服,然后追着演员到处跑。   14. 影片最初的片名是“侏罗纪公园:灭绝”(jurassic park: extinction)   15. 这部影片是系列第一部《侏罗纪公园》的续集,有意忽略了第二部和第三部。   16. 这是恐龙主题公园在电影系列中第一次完全运营。在《侏罗纪公园》(1993)中,公园仍在建设还没有开放。在《侏罗纪公园2:失落的公园》(1997)中,圣地亚哥侏罗纪公园还没有完全建成而且缺少恐龙。   17. 影片中的新型恐龙“indominus rex”是食肉牛龙(carnotaurus),巨兽龙(giganotosaurus),玛君龙(majungasaurus),皱褶龙(rugops)和多种现代物种的杂交。它的名字在拉丁语中的意思是“残暴之王”("fierce/untamable king"),因此在影片中极具危险性和破坏性。   18. 首部曲中的霸王龙将会在本片出现,只是看起来有点老。