
go through和through的区别

答案:2  悬赏:10  手机版
解决时间 2021-11-23 21:11
  • 提问者网友:萌卜娃娃
  • 2021-11-23 07:43
go through和through的区别
  • 五星知识达人网友:想偏头吻你
  • 2021-11-23 09:09
get through, go through 区别
(1)get through 和 go through 表示“通过(某地、议案等);用完”时可互换使用。如:
The man was so fat that he couldn’t get/go through the door.那人胖得连那扇门都过不去。
The plan for this term will have to get/go through the leading group of the school.本学期计划得经校领导班子通过。
I have got/gone through three pairs of shoes in a month.这一个月内我穿坏了三双鞋。
(2)get through 和 go through又各有其意义:
get through:通过考试;接通电话
I got through everything except English .除英语外我别的都及格了。
I can’t get through to Beijing. The line is busy.我打不通北京的电话,占线。
go through:检查;看一遍;经历(困难,痛苦)
I went through my homework to make sure that nothing had been missed.
Go through the text from the beginning .把课文从头看一遍。
She must have gone through a lot.她一定吃了不少苦。
  • 1楼网友:醉吻情书
  • 2021-11-23 09:27
在两者都表示"通过、经历"的意思时,go through更强调过程的艰难,而get through只说明是通过了的结果

get through
phr. 到达;做完;接通电话;通过
到达 Will my email messages get through to the inbox? 我的电子邮件信息是否能到达用户的收件箱?
做完 We wish to get through the thing quickly. 我们期望赶快把这件事做完。
打通电话 Calls a number which will never get through. 打一个从未接通的电话。
通过 This handy step-by-step guide should help you get through even the most nerve-wracking introductions.方便的一步步的引导将帮助你通过甚至是让人头疼的介绍。

go through
phr. 被通过;翻阅;翻找;彻查;例行做;经历;用完
被通过,被批准 Applications for leave must go through proper channels. 请假必须通过适当的途径
翻阅,通读;翻找,整理;彻查,仔细检查 Let's go through the arguments again.我们再研究一下这些论据吧
重复,例行做 Surely they will go through with the plan.他们肯定会把计划执行到底。
经历,经受,参加 This has been the worst weather that I go through since the beginning of this year. 这是今年年初以来我所经历的最坏的天气。