
乌鲁木齐2016高三诊断性测试 英语作文.2abc8.com

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解决时间 2021-01-23 07:54
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  • 2021-01-22 23:48
乌鲁木齐2016高三诊断性测试 英语作文.2abc8.com
  • 五星知识达人网友:佘樂
  • 2021-01-23 01:15
Beijing, the capital of People's Republic of China, the central municipality, National Center City China, Chinese politics, culture, education and international exchange center, while the decision-making centers and management centers in China's economy and finance. Beijing is located in the northern end of the North China Plain, southeast connected with Tianjin, the rest is surrounded by Hebei Province. Beijing has built more than 3000 years of history of the capital city and the history of 850 years, is one of "China's four ancient capitals", with some international influence, which first appeared in the literature of the name "thistle." Beijing since the Yuan, Ming blend of Chinese culture, has many historical sites and cultural landscapes, is the world's largest city has the world's cultural heritage. Beijing is also one of the most rainfall in North China region. The historic International Higher university, Peking University, Tsinghua University, also located in Beijing.
famous tourist sites
Beijing is the world's the world's heritage (6) most of the city, is the world's first geological park has the world's capital cities. Beijing is rich in tourism resources, opening up more than 200 tourist attractions, the world's largest palace of the Forbidden City, Temple of Heaven Temple of Heaven, Beihai Royal Garden, the Royal Palace and the Old Summer Palace gardens, as well as the Badaling Great Wall, Mutianyu Great Wall and the World largest courtyard Prince Gong's Mansion and other attractions. The city's total cultural relics 7309, 99 national key cultural relics protection units (including the Great Wall and the Grand Canal in Beijing), the 326 municipal units, five national geological parks, 15 national forest parks. World Heritage: the Forbidden City, the Great Wall, Zhoukoudian, the Temple of Heaven, the Summer Palace, Ming Tombs. Geoparks: Beijing Fangshan World Geological Park. National Scenic Area: Badaling - Ming Tombs, Shihuadong. Chinese historical and cultural street: Imperial College Street, pipe Byway. Historical and cultural towns in China: Miyun County Gubeikou town. Chinese historical and cultural village. Mentougou: dining hall town Chuandixia, Ling monastery town water village, Longquan Town Qucun glass.
history and culture
Zhou became the capital of the State of Yan, one of Zhou vassal state when. Since Jin from becoming the capital of ancient China are. Since the Yuan Dynasty, became the capital of the whole of China. Since the beginning of the Ming emperor massive expansion of Beijing, the Ming Dynasty Beijing became the capital of a Han dynasty. Qing Dynasty in Beijing on the basis of the continuation of the Ming and carried out some renovation and expansion. To the Qing Dynasty Beijing became the world's largest city. Beijing has built more than 3000 years history of the city the capital of history and 859 years. Since the Qin and Han Dynasties in Beijing it has been a military and commercial center in northern China. 1860, British and French troops into Beijing; in 1900, Boxer Rebellion into Beijing again, the beautiful city of Beijing has been very severely damaged and looted, a large number of cultural relics were looted military aggression and bad people. After the Revolution in 1911, the first year Jan. 1, the ROC capital in Nanjing, capital Beijing in March the same year, seventeen years until the Chinese Nationalist Crusade captured Beijing, Chang Tso-lin defeated back to the northeast, the Northern government to step down. Republic of China at the beginning of Beijing's local institutional Rengyi clear system, called Shuntian. In three years until, changed Shuntian Jingzhao place directly under the Central Government of the Northern Government. During this period, Beijing built a tram system, and a number of modern cultural and educational institutions, such as Qinghua University, Beijing University, Beijing University, Fu Jen Catholic University, Peking Union Medical College. • 1937 after seven seven incident, Peking was occupied by Japan. Pseudo interim government in the establishment of the Republic of China, and the Peking renamed Beijing. August 21, 1945, the Japanese army invaded Beijing surrendered, renamed as Peking. January 31, 1949, People's Liberation Army entered Beiping, to achieve the liberation of Beijing. September 27 the same year, Chinese People's first plenary session of the "People's Republic of China on the Capital, Calendar, National Anthem, Flag of resolution," Peking renamed Beijing. October 1, 1949, the Central People's Government of People's Republic of China was proclaimed in Beijing.
religious culture
Beijing not only brings together the famous five main religions (Taoism, Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, Catholicism) in the world, and these five religious architecture and culture has its own characteristics. For example, we are now traveling towards the mound on the road, just a few kilometers, it is inhabited by four religious (ChaoYangMenWai of dongyuemiao, Dongsi Mosque, Fusi, Guangji, White Pagoda Temple) in building, while in southern Beijing Declaration, to Beijing to commemorate the founding of the city as the center pillar of the surrounding area, it can be said to gather many famous places of the five major religions. These options are available: Buddhist temple, Fayuan, Changchun Temple; Baiyun Taoist; Christian church Zhushikou; Xuanwumen Catholic Church (South Church); Islam Niujie Mosque; this "religious culture zone" in the world big cities are rare, reflecting the Orient "and" culture, reflecting the unique charm of Beijing urban culture, it embodies the great cohesion of the Chinese nation.
Customs and taboos
Beijing is the seat of the ancient capital, historically, due to a long period of the Central Plains and Northern ethnic interchange, and therefore has a blend of cultures, customs and languages of many peoples. Over time, it produces a rich local characteristics of Beijing customs. For example, set drink in one of Beijing temple fairs and the like.
Beijing's traditional festivals in various forms, rich in content, is an integral part of Chinese history culture. Far from these popular holiday custom, we can clearly see the wonderful pictures of ancient people's social life. Features festivals such as Longqingxia Ice Festival, Fragrant leaves festival, Baiyun Temple, Dongyue temple and so on.
  • 1楼网友:孤老序
  • 2021-01-23 02:10
搜一下:乌鲁木齐2016高三诊断性测试 英语作文.2abc8.com