

答案:2  悬赏:0  手机版
解决时间 2021-03-23 07:12
  • 提问者网友:心牵心
  • 2021-03-23 02:51
阅读理解 The standard Outward Bound course lasts for three or four weeks. During that time the students live in the wilderness and go through many physical activities of ever increasing difficulty.The first few days are given to physical conditioning and to the teaching of basic skills such as first aid, map and compass reading, rope climbing, and other similar activities.During the second part of the course students learn how to climb rocks and cliffs, how to use canoes and rafts in swift water, and in some schools how to sail, ski, climb mountains, and make long-distance hikes. The first two parts of the course are done in groups. Members work together and help each other to overcome the increasing number of challenges. In the third part of the course, students are sent out alone for three days to survive in the wilderness with only a few necessities.Who are the students of Outward Bound? They are both young people and adults, men and women. The minimum age is 16.5 years. There is no maximum age. About one-third of the 6,000 persons completing the course each year are women. Businessmen, housewives, university students, professors, doctors, and lawyers are among those taking part in the course.In recent years special courses for the busy business managers have gained in popularity. These courses last from five to ten days rather than the usual three to four weeks of the normal course.Not all students complete the Outward Bound course. In some cases the individual cannot meet the physical challenges. In its own words Outward Bound literature says: Make no mistake, Outward Bound is not for everybody. The courses aren't easy and are not meant to be.Most students who finish the course share a common experience. They are surprised at themselves that they finish the course and they feel great pride in doing the impossible! The Outward Bound experience makes them feel that they are better than they know!1.Where are Outward Bound courses given?A.In the classroom.B.On the playground.C.In the wilderness.D.In canoes and rafts.2.All of the following are true EXCEPT __________.A.Special courses for business executives last five to ten days longerB.All of the students have to live outdoorsC.The students of Outward Bound are composed of both sexes over 16.5 yearsD.More and more businessmen like the Outward Bound course3.Which of the following is TRUE?A.Around 6,000 people attend the course each year.B.About 2,000 women attend the course each year.C.About 2,000 women overcome the challenges each year.D.Approximately 2,000 people overcome the challenges each year.4.When students are sent out alone for the last three days in the course, they .A.take anything they think necessary with themB.take the equipment they found usefulC.are provided with everything to make them comfortableD.are provided with only a few articles which are absolutely necessary
  • 五星知识达人网友:青尢
  • 2021-03-23 02:59
CBCD解析1.从第一段第二句以及前四段文字可知,学生们都住在野外,并在那里上课.2.第一段第二句表明:在三---四周的授课期间学生们住在户外.但B提供的句子会让人产生误解,以为是所有学生都必须住在户外.故不符题意.而从第五、六段中可知A、C、D,符合题意. 3.第五段中第五句表明,每年能通过这项野外训练课程的6,000人中,有三分之一是女性.4.从第四段最后一句可知,在第三阶段,学生们单独到野外呆三天,带着极少量的生活必需品.
  • 1楼网友:青灯有味
  • 2021-03-23 03:59