
Mr. Smith liked his job. He liked his town, and he didn’t like the idea of moving somewher

答案:2  悬赏:10  手机版
解决时间 2021-01-15 01:02
  • 提问者网友:感性作祟
  • 2021-01-14 03:05
Mr. Smith liked his job. He liked his town, and he didn’t like the idea of moving somewhere else, but his wife 51 telling him that his pay was not enough to 52 the needs of the family. That was why he was thinking of taking a new job in Boston, 53 he had been offered a job in a factory, and the pay was far 54 .
Henry Manley, boss of Mr. Smith, was the 55 of a small company 56 computers. The company was in 57 trouble, because among other reasons, the Japanese were selling such things at very 58 prices. As a result, Manley had to 59 his own price and profits (利益) as well, otherwise he would not 60 any orders at all. Even so, orders were 61 not coming in fast enough, 62 there was no money for raises for his workers. Somehow, he had to 63 along and keep his 64 workers as well. He sighed (叹气) . 65 then the telephone rang.
His secretary told him that Mr. Smith wanted to 66 him as soon as possible. Manley 67 again. He could 68 what it was about. Mr. Smith was a very young engineer. The company had no 69 unless it could attract men like him. Manley rubbed his forehead: his 70 seemed endless.
【小题1】.A.consideredB.advisedC.beganD.kept【小题2】.A.meetB.imagineC.bringD.tell【小题3】.A.thereB.whereC.hereD.somewhere【小题4】.A.lowerB.moreC.higherD.less【小题5】.A.secretaryB.managerC.customerD.engineer【小题6】.A.makingB.to makeC.madeD.was making【小题7】.A.littleB.itsC.noD.few【小题8】.A.tallB.highC.lowD.short【小题9】.A.raiseB.cutC.keepD.hold【小题10】.A.placeB.getC.give D.carry out【小题11】.A.alreadyB.obviouslyC.stillD.undoubtedly【小题12】.A.becauseB.even ifC.so thatD.even【小题13】.A.walkB.struggleC.comeD.give in【小题14】.A.bestB.strongestC.youngestD.kindest【小题15】.A.EvenB.JustC.SuddenlyD.Immediately【小题16】.A.warnB.leaveC.helpD.see【小题17】.A.waitedB.set backC.sighedD.telephoned【小题18】.A.thinkB.knowC.expectD.understand【小题19】.A.futureB.moneyC.computersD.people【小题20】.A.companyB.headacheC.problemD.question.D
  • 五星知识达人网友:孤独入客枕
  • 2020-05-07 17:11
(答案→).D 解析:1. D kept是keep的过去式,keep doing sth表示总是做某事。史密斯先生不想搬,但他的妻子总是告诉他他的收入不能维持收支平衡。2. A 考查固定搭配,meet the needs of family满足家庭的需要。3. B 此处考查定语从句,where指的是上文提到的地点in Boston. 4. C此处用了far来修饰比较级,意思是说收入更低。5. B既然是公司的老板,这里就是说他是这个公司的管理人员,也就是经理,而不是顾客什么的。6. A现在分词ing作定语,修饰后面的computers,表示生产电脑。7. B从后文知道这个公司有它自己的麻烦,its是it的所有格。8. C这里指日本的公司的商品价格很低,所以才会让史密斯的公司有麻烦。9. B固定搭配,cut the price表示降低价格。日本公司价格低,他只好让自己的产品也降价。10. B get the orders表示接到订单,也是一个固定搭配。本句说如果不降低他自己的价格和利益,他就不能接到订单。11. C此处表示的意思是:即使这样,依然不然快的接到订单。Still依然,依旧。12. C因为没到多少订单,所以导致工作拿不到工资。So that表示因此。13. B struggle along表示沿着…挣扎,艰难行进,指史密斯在进行着艰难着经营着。14. A固定搭配。keep one’s best指让某人保持一个最好的状态,这里是说史密斯保持着他最好的状态来经营。15. B just then就在这时候,也是一个固定的搭配。16. D根据上下文知道,史密斯想尽快见到他的老板,see表示见到,会面。17. C由again再一次可知,他又叹气了,因这上文提到过一次sighed.18. 此处是说Henry Manley能够预料到关于史密斯将要说的内容,expect表示预料。19. A此句意思:如果不能吸引像史密斯这样的人,公司就没有将来。20. C Henry Manley揉了揉前额,好像他的问题永远没有终结。
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