
蓝屏代码STOP:0*0000007A (0*C07B97C8,0*C000000E,0*F72F9CA8,0*26477860)

答案:5  悬赏:10  手机版
解决时间 2021-06-02 06:45
  • 提问者网友:我是女神我骄傲
  • 2021-06-01 15:42
  • 五星知识达人网友:鱼芗
  • 2021-06-01 16:35
基本上蓝屏都是电脑硬件问题, 估计是CPU的温度过高,
  • 1楼网友:怀裏藏嬌
  • 2021-06-01 19:44


  • 2楼网友:煞尾
  • 2021-06-01 19:16
◇解决方案: (1)使用Windows安装光盘进行修复安装; (2)如果还能进入安全模式, 可以"开始-->运行": sfc /scannow (3)还可以采用提取文件的方法来解决, 进入"故障恢复控制台", 使用copy或expand命令从光盘中复制或解压受损的文件. 不过, 蓝屏一般都是 驱动程序文件的问题, 所以expand命令会用的都一些, 比如:蓝屏中提示tdi.sys文件, 因为驱动文件一般在i386\driver压缩包里, 所以使用: expand %CDROM:\i386\driver.cab \f:tdi.sys c:\winnt\system\drivers.(xp为expand %CDROM:\i386\driver.cab \f:tdi.sys c:\windowns\system\drivers) 出现蓝屏后的九个常规解决方案 Windows 2K/XP蓝屏信息非常多, 无法在一篇文章中全面讲解, 但他们产生的原因往往集中在不兼容的硬件和驱动程序、有问题(■ ̄藍亦冰■答案 抄袭可耻)的软件、病毒等, 因此首先为大家提供了一些常规的解决方案, 在遇到蓝屏错误时, 应先对照这些方案进行排除. 1.重启 有时只是某个程序或驱动程序一时犯错, 重启后他们会改过自新.(注意:此时参见7.查询停机码) 2.新硬件 首先, 应该检查新硬件是否插牢, 这个被许多人忽视的问题往往会引发许多莫名其妙的故障. 如果确认没有问题, 将其拔下, 然后换个插槽试试, 并安装最新的驱动程序. 同时还应对照微软网站的硬件兼容类别检查一下硬件是否与*作系统兼容. 如果你的硬件没有在表中, 那么就得到硬件厂商网站进行查询, 或者拨打他们的咨询电话. [color] Windows XP的硬件兼容列表: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;zh-cn;314062 Windows 2K的硬件兼容类别: http://winqual.microsoft.com/dow ... =hcl/Win2000HCL.txt 3.新驱动和新服务 如果刚安装完某个硬件的新驱动, 或安装了某个软件, 而它又在系统服务中添加了相(■ ̄藍亦冰■答案 抄袭可耻)应项目(比如:杀毒软件、CPU降温软件、防火墙软件等), 在重启或使用中出现了蓝屏故障, 请到安全模式来卸载或禁用它们. 4.检查病毒 比如冲击波和振荡波等病毒有时会导致Windows蓝屏死机, 因此查杀病毒必不可少. 同时一些木马间谍软件也会引发蓝屏, 所以最好再用相关工具进行扫描检查. 5.检查BIOS和硬件兼容性 对于新装的电脑经常出现蓝屏问题, 应该检查并升级BIOS到最新版本, 同时关闭其中的内存相关项, 比如:缓存和映射.另外, 还应该对照微软的硬件兼容列表检查自己的硬件. 还有就是, 如果主板BIOS无法支持大容量硬盘也会导致蓝屏, 需要对其进行升级. 6.检查系统日志 在开始-->菜单中输入:EventVwr.msc, 回车出现\\"事件查看器\\", 注 参考资料 http://ks.cn.yahoo.com/question/1407021101184.html 7.查询蓝屏代码 把蓝屏中密密麻麻的E文记下来,接着到其他电脑中上网,进入蓝屏代码支持网站:电脑蓝屏代码查询网( http://www.eventid.net.ru/)。在此输入如愿以偿:0x0000008e,一般情况下,会在这里找到电脑蓝屏的原因。另外,在百度、Google等搜索引擎中使用蓝屏的停机码或后面的说明文字做为关键词搜索,往往也会有意外收获。 8.最后一次正确配置 一般情况下,蓝屏都出现于更新了硬件驱动或新加硬件并安装其驱动后,这时Windows 2000/XP提供的“最后一次正确配置”就是解决蓝屏的快捷方式。重启系统,在出现启动菜单时按下F8键就会出现高级启动选项菜单,接着选择“最后一次正确配置”。 蓝屏死机最常见原因是DLL错误,意即同一个DLL的多个版本造成的不兼容。 当应用程序需要使用这些DLL时,Windows将它们载入内存;如果替换了DLL,下一次应用程序载入DLL时它可能不是该应用程序所希望的版本。这种不兼容性随着安装更多的新软件而增加,这也是为什么一个新安装的Windows往往比安装运行一 段时期后的Windows更加稳定之主要原因。另一个重要的原因就是硬件问题,例如硬件过热、超频使用、硬件的电子零件损坏(例如电容器的电解液流出损坏)及BIOS设定错误或其程序码有错误等都可能导致蓝屏死机 ■ ̄藍亦冰■答案----抄袭可耻
  • 3楼网友:行雁书
  • 2021-06-01 18:52

错误分析:这个错误往往是虚拟内存中的内核数据无法读入内存造成的. 原因可能是虚拟内存页面文件中存在坏簇、病毒、磁盘控制器出错、内存有问题.

◇解决方案:首先用升级为最新病毒库杀毒软件查杀病毒, 如果促无信息中还有0xC000009C或0xC000016A代码, 那么表示是坏簇造成的, 并且系统的磁盘检测工具无法自动修复, 这时要进入"故障恢复控制台", 用"chkdsk /r"命令进行手动修复

  • 4楼网友:从此江山别
  • 2021-06-01 17:33

Stop 0x0000007A or KERNEL_DATA_INPAGE_ERROR The Stop 0x7A message indicates that a page of kernel data was not found in the paging (virtual memory) file and could not be read into memory. This might be due to incompatible disk or controller drivers, firmware, or hardware. Frequently, the cause of this error can be determined from the second parameter, the I/O status code. Some common status codes are: # 0xC000009A, or STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES, indicates a lack of nonpaged pool resources

# 0xC000009C, or STATUS_DEVICE_DATA_ERROR, indicates bad blocks (sectors) on the hard disk

# 0xC000009D, or STATUS_DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED, indicates defective or loose data or power cables, a problem with SCSI termination, or improper controller or disk configuration

# 0xC000016A, or STATUS_DISK_OPERATION_FAILED, indicates bad blocks (sectors) on the hard disk

# 0xC0000185, or STATUS_IO_DEVICE_ERROR, indicates improper termination, defective storage controller hardware, or defective disk cabling, or two devices attempting to use the same resources. Possible Resolutions: # Stop 0x7A can be caused by bad sectors in the virtual memory paging file, disk controller error, virus infection, or memory hardware problems. In extremely rare cases, depleted nonpaged pool resources can cause this error. If the first and third parameters are zero, the stack signature in the kernel stack is missing, an error typically caused by defective hardware. If the I/O status is 0xC0000185 and the paging file is on a SCSI disk, check for cabling and termination issues. An I/O status code of 0xC000009C or 0xC000016A indicates that the requested data could not be found. You can try to correct this by restarting the computer. If a problem with disk integrity exists, Autochk, a program that attempts to mark bad disk sectors as defective so that they are not used in the future, starts automatically. If Autochk fails to run, you can manually perform the integrity check yourself by following the instructions to run Chkdsk provided in "Stop 0x00000024 or NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM" earlier in this appendix.

# Another cause of Stop 0x7A messages is defective, malfunctioning, or failed memory hardware, such as memory modules, Level 2 (L2) SRAM cache, or video adapter RAM. If you added new hardware recently, remove and replace it to determine if it is causing or contributing to the problem. Run diagnostics software supplied by the system manufacturer to determine if the component has failed.

# Check the hardware manufacturer's Web site for updates to disk adapter firmware or drivers that improve compatibility. Verify that your disks and controller support the same set of advanced features, such as higher transfer rates. If necessary, select a slower transfer rate if an update is not yet available. Consult your hardware or device documentation for more information. Important - You can install disk controller drivers not present on the Windows XP Professional operating system CD by responding to the following prompt shortly after starting Setup: - Press F6 if you need to install a third party SCSI or RAID driver. - Press F6, and when prompted, provide the appropriate storage controller driver (ATA or SCSI) supplied by the manufacturer. # The problem might also be due to cracks, scratched traces, or defective components on the motherboard. If all else fails, take the system motherboard to a repair facility for diagnostic testing.

# Problems that cause Stop 0x7A messages can also cause Stop 0x77 messages. For more information about Stop 0x77 messages, see "Stop 0x00000077 or KERNEL_STACK_INPAGE_ERROR" earlier in this list.
